6 Tips That Will Help You Quit Cell Phone Addiction

6 Tips That Will Help You Use Cell Phones For Less Time
Image Source: Instagram/SamsungMobile

6 Tips That Will Help You Use Cell Phones For Less Time


  • Often people are seen spending hours on mobile for hours.
  • Guilty of spending long hours on your cell phone? just put it away
  • Time-tracking apps can help you restrict cell phone use

Cell phones have made our lives easier. With documentation and even payments going digital, the six-inch screen has become an expanded version of itself and in today’s day and age it is impossible to image life without a smart phone with you. Be it kids or elderly, smartphone has become everyone’s favorite accessory but its relationship with gadgets has also become a matter of concern. Often people are seen spending hours on mobile. Such habits take time away from meaningful activities of life and lead to ‘addiction’.

If you are ready to spend long hours on your cell phone, here are some tips that can help you go smoothly on that gadget of yours.

Find a time-tracking app to use

Most social media apps have an in-built time-tracking feature that alerts you once you have crossed a set time limit for using them. Similarly, you can use a normal time-tracking app and monitor how many hours you spend on your cell phone. Recognize how much extra time you are spending with your phone and reduce usage in further steps accordingly.

Find ways to spend reclaimed time

Once you have free time on your hands that isn’t spent using a cell phone, you need to figure out how you’d like to spend those extra minutes or hours. Reading, exercising, cooking and learning a musical instrument can be good ways to spend time because these activities are therapeutic and do not stress you out. Otherwise, you can only take a deep breath and do nothing. This will help you wind down and relax.

Change your mobile charging location

Once your mobile runs out of juice, it needs to be charged before using it. These two hours can be spent away from the phone and the best way to do this is to charge your phone at a different place. Since you will be physically separated from your mobile, you will have so much time on hand.

Put your mobile away after the workday is over

During working hours, cell phone use becomes a necessity. But don’t indulge too much. When your working hours are over, put your cell phone in a drawer or cabinet. It will help you to invest your undivided time and energy in something else.

Restrict use of social media apps

Using social media apps is quite time consuming. Most of the apps come with ‘Loop’ setting that keeps showing pictures and videos without any break. If you restrict your use of social media apps or, better yet, remove them, you’ll see just how much extra time you’ll have on your hands.

stay in the moment

It is often observed that people multitask with their cell phones while eating, meeting another person, while walking, in the toilet and even during other activities. It distracts the person’s mind and doesn’t let them stay in the moment. It can also make the partner feel unwanted and ruin your relationship with them. Put your cell phone aside and enjoy the moment and nature as much as you can.
