6 Powerful Millets to Add to Your Daily Routine

The consumption of rice and wheat is given a lot of importance when one plans his diet. But both of these can easily be replaced with the mighty millet, which is much more nutritious and healthy. Millets are healthy whole grains — they’re gluten-free, full of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. This grain has been a part of the Indian diet since ancient times, but due to its amazing health benefits, it has gained popularity in Western countries as well.

Here are 6 types of millets that will help you lose kilos:

  1. yeast

Iron-rich ragi is essential for our body to produce hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is loaded with calcium and potassium. Since ragi is high in fiber content, it takes time for ragi to be digested in the stomach, so one feels full for a longer period of time. It is also rich in calcium and vitamin D which makes it a superfood for bones. And what works as a cherry on the cake is that ragi is easy to cook and can be made into many delicious dishes.

2. Tide

Jowar or jowar is loaded with nutrients including B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acids, and tannins. B vitamins boost metabolism and improve hair and skin quality, while magnesium promotes bone and heart health. The fiber in sorghum promotes gut health, regulates your blood sugar levels, and aids in weight management.

3. Buckwheat millet

Buckwheat is also a gluten-free grain that is a good source of protein, fiber and energy. For people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, buckwheat and buckwheat flour are excellent dietary choices. It helps in losing kilos, lowers blood pressure and improves heart health.

4. Millet

Millet is known as pearl millet. It contains a variety of nutrients, including protein, fiber, magnesium, iron and calcium. Bajra is very low in calories and is one of the best cereal substitutes if you want to lose weight. Due to its fiber content, you feel full for longer without increasing the number of daily calories. Daily consumption of millet reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, many types of cancer, controls cholesterol and prevents asthma.

5. Rajgira

Amaranth is rich in fiber, protein, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Of all the nutrients, amaranth contains the highest amount of manganese, which exceeds the daily nutrient requirement in just one serving. This trace mineral improves brain function and protects against certain neurological conditions, while the protein and fiber content in grains help build muscle and maintain digestive health. Actually, amaranth is more nutritious than quinoa.

6. Foxtel

Bajra is rich in iron and calcium, this grain helps in strengthening the immune system and it also balances the blood sugar level in the body. Foxtail millet is rich in complex carbohydrates and is dietary, making it a great food choice for people trying to lose kilos. Other benefits include lower cholesterol levels, good digestion and good heart health.

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