5G myths: Debunking 5G myths shows promise of India’s digitization journey – Times of India

According to a recent TRAI report (The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicator), with over 833 million internet users, India has the world’s second largest connected population, affected by a combination of low data tariffs and affordable smartphones and devices. The IAMAI Kantar ICUBE 2020 report states that this number is expected to increase by 45% to 900 million by 2025.
industrial and customer adoption 5G It is expected to be a major contributor to the rapid digitization of India. With data rates as high as 10 gigabits per second, low latency, and high reliability benefits – 5G can efficiently take advantage of the data explosion in India. Fifth generation mobile networks have the power to revolutionize almost every industry and completely redefine the way we live.
However, the road to 5G adoption is littered with misconceptions that need to be addressed to harness the power of this breakthrough technology for India’s digitization. From undermining the technology’s potential to fears of non-existent security threats, here are some myths about 5G – and the realities that reflect its promise.
Myth: 5G is only for phones
Reality: 5G will power a broad spectrum of devices and technologies
The technology underpinning 5G was built in to connect various devices, not just phones. It empowers the era of distributed intelligence, where artificial intelligence (AI), edge computing, cloud and Internet of Things come together to bring incredible innovation. The convergence of these powerful technologies in 5G makes it possible to achieve unlimited processing power, even on small devices.
When it comes to business benefits, 5G can unlock tremendous potential. By merging high-speed wireless networking with the cloud, edge and AI, even the smallest devices are capable of massive computing tasks. With an array of devices to choose from to connect their workforce, businesses will benefit from reliable connectivity for mission-critical services and real-time access to information and services with zero latency.
Myth: 5G deployment is no different from previous generation deployment
Reality: 5G is very different from previous generations – and it requires massive network transformation
The current generation of mobile device networks – 4G – has structural limitations that constrain its growth path. This prevents 4G from evolving towards the lowest possible latency and maximum possible throughput. Overcoming these barriers and handling complex needs at scale requires new technologies that are capable of connecting and enhancing 5G.
It is important to implement cloud architecture in 5G networks. For example, on a factory floor, 5G can connect sensors, industrial automated guided vehicles (AGVs), robots, machines and floor workers in multiple locations. Multiply the number of connections needed by the number of factories in a city, and you can understand how scalability of 5G is essential compared to previous generations.
Myth: 5G will never really live up to the hype
Reality: As network transformation evolves, 5G will continue on its accelerated path to reach its full potential over the next several years.
In India, we are witnessing the beginning of the 5G era. While the service providers are successfully conducting trials in different parts of the country, commercial use of 5G network is expected to start in 2022.
The commercial rollout will establish 5G in the country immediately. Each cellular generation is deployed over multiple releases, improving the network, and enabling new features gradually over the years. In fact, it took almost 10 years for the full potential of 4G to appear. While the transition to 5G will take time, users will start seeing more and more new features on a rolling basis at an increasing rate.
Myth: The introduction of 5G will increase the security risk. , Reality: The industry has responded to potential risks with a steady increase in security controls and mechanisms to protect data and communications.
As with any paradigm shift, obstacles and issues continue to be addressed. But quickly, the tech industry recognized the potential for new vulnerabilities associated with the increased capability and capabilities of 5G and has developed and integrated solutions in response.
There are many cryptographic operations that are performed on every byte of data. This results in the data being cryptographically protected at different levels of the network, software, and storage stack. Security is important because this data is sensitive and the operations involved are computation-intensive which is the backbone for critical business operations. Applications enabled by 5G are streamlining these heavy operations, and their unique demands are dictating how a network’s security architecture will be implemented.
In India, the deployment of 5G will impact key sectors such as healthcare, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing and important civic projects such as smart cities. As gsma – India’s 5G Future Report states that 5G is expected to contribute around $455 billion to the Indian economy over the next two decades, 5G will stand as more than just a new technology – it will be a decade in the technology landscape would cause significant disruption. , The hyper-connected experience and distributed computing 5G support will drive innovation, unlock exciting possibilities and accelerate India’s journey towards fulfilling its digitization vision.
Santosh Viswanathan, Managing Director, Sales, Marketing and Communications Group, Intel India