55 Test Positive, 180 Recover In Varanasi | Varanasi News – Times of India

According to the daily medical bulletin, the district recorded 96.13% recovery rate and 1.1% positivity rate.

VARANASI: The Covid-19 pandemic situation continued to improve in Varanasi district on Wednesday with the positivity rate declining further and the recovery rate rising.
According to the daily medical bulletin, the district recorded 96.13% recovery rate and 1.1% positivity rate.
Out of 5,010 test reports, 55 persons tested positive for Covid-19, while 180 patients in home isolation were declared as cured. Currently, there are 496 active cases of Covid-19 in Varanasi.
In Chandauli district, two persons, including a woman, tested positive for Covid-19, while 14 patients were declared cured on Wednesday. The samples of 1,224 persons were collected for testing. Currently, there are 45 active cases of Covid-19 in Chandauli.
Jaunpur too recorded 94.52% recovery rate and 1.01% positivity rate on Wednesday. Nine persons tested positive for Covid-19, while 23 patients, including 22 in home isolation, were declared cured in the district.

