5-year-old ink girl attends Christmas party in Dharamsala – World Latest News Headlines – Bharat Times Hindi News – World Latest News Headlines

INKSTER, Mitch (WXYZ) — The Christmas spirit is all about giving. Whether it’s December or September, there’s always someone who needs a little cheering up.

“She’s been fighting cancer for three years, stage four neuroblastoma,” mom Megan Hill said of her daughter, Maleh. “Three weeks ago she was diagnosed with a brain tumor that eventually became inoperable.”

Mala is now 5 years old. Like most kids of her age, she loves Christmas. Now his family is performing his last rites at home in Dharamsala.

“We wanted him to come home because he’s been in that hospital for three years,” Megan said. “It’s better to come home and do it that way, let her be comfortable.”

With the time limited, the community wanted to make sure this holiday season was special, moving it a little early with the help of local charities.

“I found out about Maleh and I thought, ‘This is her last Christmas. We have to do something about it,'” Lisa Kuzawa said.

Kuzawa is with Golden’s charity, which pulled most of it together. Setting up Christmas carols and getting first responders along, as well as making sure Santa makes his annual visit a little early.

“It’s so heartening to see how many people love her and how many people she has touched in five years, five short years,” Megan said.

It’s a Christmas the Hill family will never forget. The most special gift of all stood at Maleh’s feet with a smile and dozens of presents front and center for Christmas morning.

“She’s the youngest of seven, so Christmas won’t be the same after this,” Megan said.

Garland. There’s also a GoFundMe for this Here

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