5 Superfoods To Include In Your Winter Diet For A Glowing Skin

Last Update: January 07, 2023, 19:43 IST

Rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin C and good fiber properties, carrots can enhance the texture of your skin.

Rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin C and good fiber properties, carrots can enhance the texture of your skin.

In the winter season, our skin can become dry and lifeless. Here are 5 superfoods you must include in your diet for glowing skin this season

A healthy diet is beneficial for boosting immunity as well as maintaining proper body weight. It rejuvenates your skin, reduces wrinkles, giving you a glowing skin. Since beauty starts from within, it is important to know what we should eat on a daily basis. Whatever we eat has a direct effect on our skin. Suppose, if we consume junk food for a week, we will see dullness and breakouts on the skin, but if we eat right, our skin glows beautifully.

In the winter season, our skin becomes dry and lifeless, which cannot be maintained properly. If you want to have beautiful and glowing skin this winter, here are 5 superfoods you must include in your diet.


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which protects our skin from UV rays. Carrots are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamin A and potassium which keep the issues of dry skin and uneven skin tone at bay.

sweet potatoes

Winter special food is full of many benefits. Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and beta-carotene which not only nourishes the skin but also makes it glowing from within.

citrus fruits

Winters is the time when fresh juicy citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and limes are available in abundance. These Vitamin C-rich fruits are excellent superfoods for winters and have antibacterial properties that can help treat your acne, pigmentation and dark spots. Apart from this, they also act as skin lightening agents and reduce the signs of ageing.

chia seeds

Chia seeds are one of the best sources of minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants and many other nutrients. Not only this, they are also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids that make your skin glow and reduce the appearance of acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles. The high levels of antioxidants present in it help fight free radical damage caused by sun exposure.


Turmeric contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory components that help in brightening the skin, fighting all the dirt and bacteria that harm your skin. Drinking hot turmeric water improves the skin and makes it look healthy. You can also apply turmeric paste mixed with curd and gram flour to make your skin bright and glowing.

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