5 safety tips you should keep in mind during your baby’s shaving ceremony

The first grand ceremony after the birth of a child is his naming ceremony. Mundan is done after this ceremony. Let us tell you that Mundan Sanskar is also one of the 16 important sacraments of Hinduism. A special hair removal ritual is performed during Mundan. And that’s why it becomes necessary to take care of some things while shaving the head of the child.

Of course, the Mundan ceremony is a very joyous occasion for the parents and family members. However, sometimes parents overlook something important in excitement. And this can have a direct impact on the delicate health of children. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind

Do not shave in fever: It is important for the child to be fit for shaving. At the same time, it is better to avoid shaving the child due to fever or cold. Sprinkling water on a child’s head can put his health at risk.

Feed the baby: Don’t forget to feed the baby before shaving. Babies become irritable when they are hungry and then cry while shaving. So it is best to shave only after babies are full.

Get Professional Help: Selecting a professional and experienced person for the procedure of shaving. Make sure the person changes the shaving blade and takes care of other hygiene aspects.

Don’t forget to bathe the baby: After shaving a lot of hair sticks to the clothes and the body of the newborn. This hair can cause irritation to the baby. Do not forget to bathe the baby as soon as possible and put on clean clothes.

Apply Ghee and Turmeric Paste: Turmeric with medicinal properties is considered to be the best antiseptic for the skin. Whereas, the effect of ghee is cooling. That’s why many people like to apply ghee and turmeric paste on the baby’s head after shaving.

This gives relief from razor wounds and germs on the head. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor before applying for it.

Try to follow these safety tips during baby’s shaving ceremony.

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