5 Reasons Why You Need To Cut Down On Excess Salt Intake Right Now

Last Update: February 05, 2023, 15:03 IST

When consumed in moderation, sodium helps nerves and muscles function better and balances fluids in the body.

When consumed in moderation, sodium helps nerves and muscles function better and balances fluids in the body.

Here are some of the side effects of excessive salt intake that can be seen in the body.

Salt is known to add flavor to our food and is not unhealthy unless consumed in excess. A person’s body needs sodium, a component of salt, to survive. So, when does salt intake start causing problems? When consumed in moderation, sodium helps nerves and muscles function better and balances fluids in the body. But with an increase in its intake, sodium can be injurious to health. Here are some of the side effects of excessive salt intake that can be seen in the body.


Sodium is known to attract water and when a person consumes excess sodium in their system, it increases their water retention. Since sodium tends to retain water in the body, a person may show signs of bloating, swelling or puffiness.

increased thirst

It is suggested that sodium also makes people thirsty. Although not enough research has been done to support this fact, it is likely that eating salty foods may cause a person to drink more water.

raise blood pressure

Salt draws water into your body. When a person consumes excessive sodium, it increases the flow of water in the bloodstream, which increases the blood pressure.

poor sleep quality

The increase in blood pressure results in a strong urge to drink and urinate, which makes it difficult for a person to sleep well. It is advisable to eat less salt, especially in the evening.


Based on a 2014 study in John Hopkins, it has been proven that consuming more sodium can make a person more susceptible to getting headaches. This happens more often with people suffering from high blood pressure but people with normal blood pressure also often complain of headaches.


Is your skin dry, itchy and inflamed? Salt may be the real culprit. Although scientific data is limited regarding this topic, it is suggested that excess salt also appears to trigger a person’s immune system.

Kidney stone

Excess salt increases the production of calcium in the urine, which can make a person more prone to kidney stones.

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