3 die of fever, not dengue, says Noida Noida News – Times of India

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NOIDA: Three children have died with dengue-like symptoms this week in Noida, but the health department has not added them to the tally as their samples were not confirmed by two laboratories authorized by the government.
Nine new dengue cases were reported on Thursday. Meanwhile, the total number of cases has reached 387. Sources said that among them is Sunil Sharma, Chief Medical Officer of Noida. Although sources said he was admitted to a hospital – he is on leave – there has been no official confirmation on this.
Of the three patients who died of dengue-like symptoms, one was admitted to ESIC hospital while two others were in private hospitals. A five-year-old girl died at ESIC Hospital on Wednesday and sources said she had symptoms like fever, chills, lethargy and vomiting. Her Vidal test, which measures the ability of antibodies, was positive and the platelet count at the time of admission was 37,000. While being taken to his ward, the girl collapsed and died a day later. The hospital report said that he died of cardiopulmonary arrest.
The health department has denied any connection to dengue. “The girl’s condition was critical when brought to the hospital. She died before being tested for dengue and her platelet count at the hospital was 64,000. As such, it cannot be confirmed as a dengue-related death.” District Malaria Officer Rajesh Sharma said.
In two other cases also, the patients were children and displayed similar symptoms. However, their samples were not sent to the district hospital and two authorized labs of Child PGI.
The health department has so far identified 10 areas in Noida and eight in Greater Noida as dengue clusters. In Noida, the areas which have reported the maximum number of cases include Sadarpur, Chlera, Mamura, Nithari, Barola and Chhijarsi.

