2355 crore liters of water will be saved due to reduced use in courts: Law Ministry working on reducing paper consumption, 2.82 lakh trees will be saved every year

New Delhione day beforeAuthor: Pawan Kumar

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According to environmental experts, about 8333 papers are prepared from one tree.  - Dainik Bhaskar

According to environmental experts, about 8333 papers are prepared from one tree.

The high consumption of paper in the country’s courts is also affecting the environment. The demand to reduce the consumption of paper in the courts has been raised from time to time in the Supreme Court and many High Courts of the country. Now the Law Ministry is considering a policy.

If the ministry is successful in this initiative, then only by reducing the consumption of paper in the courts, 2.82 lakh trees will be saved in a year. This will not only save 2355 crore liters of water, but will also generate 3.39 crore kg of oxygen from so many trees.

The Supreme Court and the High Courts of the country have already taken such initiatives. According to environmental experts, about 8333 papers are prepared from one tree. About 10 liters of water is used to prepare one paper. If the consumption of paper is less, then there will definitely be less wastage of trees and water. A tree annually produces 117 kg of oxygen and absorbs 22 kg of carbon.

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