200 फीट गहरे बोरवेल से बच्चे को सुरक्षित निकाला: जयपुर में 9 साल का अक्षित 70 फीट की गहराई में फंसा था, 7 घंटे चला रेस्क्यू

Jaipur4 hours ago

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In Jaipur, at 7 am on Saturday morning, 9-year-old Akshit fell into a 200-feet deep borewell. He was trapped in the borewell at a depth of about 70 feet. He was taken out safely after a 6-hour rescue operation. He stayed inside the borewell for 7 hours.

Civil Defense and NDRF team pulled him out with the help of iron net. This trap went down near Akshit’s back and opened. This is such a net on which Akshit could sit or he could put both his feet on it. After being taken out, Akshit was sent to the hospital, where his condition is out of danger.

3 pictures of the rescue operation…

After the child was safely pulled out of the borewell, there was joy on the faces of the team and the people involved in the rescue operation.

After the child was safely pulled out of the borewell, there was joy on the faces of the team and the people involved in the rescue operation.

Akshit admitted in PHC of Jobner.  The child has been kept under the observation of doctors.

Akshit admitted in PHC of Jobner. The child has been kept under the supervision of doctors.

The SDRF member had made arrangements to deliver oxygen to all the children as soon as they reached the spot.

The SDRF member had made arrangements to deliver oxygen to all the children as soon as they reached the spot.

The SDRF team first put the camera in the borewell and then sent water-biscuits to the child.

The SDRF team first put the camera in the borewell and then sent water-biscuits to the child.

Akshit came to maternal uncle’s house during the holidays
The incident is of Jobner police station area of ​​Jaipur. 9-year-old Akshit alias Lucky, a resident of Kudiya Ka Bass, had come to his maternal uncle’s place during summer vacations. There was a borewell built in the field near the maternal uncle’s house in Bhojpura Kalan.

After waking up in the morning, he went to the borewell while playing. Suddenly his foot slipped and he got stuck in the borewell at a depth of 70 feet. When the family members did not see Akshit for a long time, they started searching for him. Meanwhile, there was some movement from the borewell. Akshit’s voice was coming. Then the family members came to know about the accident. He immediately informed the administration about this.

CCTV installed in borewell, child’s condition was normal
On information about the incident, the SDRF team reached the village at 8 am. Firstly, a CCTV camera was installed in the borewell so that the child could be monitored. After this the child was given oxygen. His condition was normal throughout the operation.

Deputy Commandant of Civil Defense Amit said – the child was being talked to continuously. The parents of the child were also being made to talk. The good thing was that the child was responding. He was not in a state of unconsciousness. It was very hot downstairs, so water and juice were arranged for him.

Parents said – was feeling very scared
Akshit’s parents were in bad condition by crying. His father Phoolchand said that we were very scared as Akshit was having trouble breathing and was very upset as it was very dark. However, the rescue team assured him that he would be pulled out soon.

6 hour rescue operation

  • At 7 o’clock the child fell into the borewell while playing. The family members informed the police control room Jaipur Rural.
  • At 8 o’clock the police and civil defense team reached the spot. The team told the control room that the operation may take time.
  • The SDRF team started the rescue at 9 am. An attempt was made to take out the child through an iron net.
  • Around 10 o’clock the child was given glucose water and biscuits to eat.
  • NDRF team also reached at 10:15 am. The work of digging parallel pit of borewell started at 12 noon.
  • The child was safely pulled out of the borewell at 2 pm. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

parallel pit was also dug
A pit was also being dug near the borewell to take out the child as part of the rescue team’s Plan B. With the help of this parallel pit, a plan was made to reach the height where Akshit is trapped. However, he was pulled out with the help of a net.

This is how jugaad was made to get out of borewell
A special jugaad was made to rescue the child from the borewell. In this, the child is locked and pulled out with pipes and ropes. For this, pipes of equal length are taken. These are tied at 10-10 feet. In the last there is a ring. The ringed rod is lowered into the borewell. Camera is also added on this. This shows whether the child is involved in jugaad or not. The control of the master rope remains with the member of the NDRF team standing outside.

This entire structure is lowered into the borewell, observing the angle of the child. As soon as this structure reaches the bottom of the child. That master rope is pulled so that the child is locked in it.

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