20 children of MP orphaned from Corona reached Chhattisgarh: took a rented house in Bhilai 20 days ago, built an illegal ashram there and kept the children of Mandla-Betul; Revealed through donation slip

Raipur38 minutes ago

This orphanage, which was run illegally, neither had arrangements to keep the children nor was there staff.

On Saturday, 20 children were freed from illegal orphanage in Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh. There are 10 boys and 10 girls among them. Most of the children are residents of Mandla and Betul in Madhya Pradesh. This illegal orphanage was exposed by a slip asking for donations. It is being told that the parents of many children have died of corona. However, the Social Welfare Department has not confirmed this. The department says that the families of the children are being traced.

The organization from which these children have been freed was started only 20 days ago. In such a situation, there is also a possibility of child trafficking. The officers of the Women and Child Development Department had received information that an NGO named Life Show Foundation in Risali, Bhilai was illegally operating a children’s home in Sector-29 of Rakhi area. When the team raided, these children were found in a house. The banner of the orphanage in front of this house was kept illegally for children here.

The Life Show Foundation had kept the children in a house by putting up the banner of the orphanage.

The Life Show Foundation had kept the children in a house by putting up the banner of the orphanage.

Children were sleeping on the ground, there was no staff
According to the rules of the orphanage, boys and girls have to be kept separately, but here everyone was kept together, in the same room. Children were being put to sleep by putting mattresses on the ground. There were no staff in this illegal orphanage, only a cook was posted. After presenting all the children in the CWC, the boys have been sent to the Children’s Home and the girls to the LOS Home.

Boys and girls were kept in the same room.  He was being put to sleep on the ground.

Boys and girls were kept in the same room. He was being put to sleep on the ground.

Revealed because of asking for donation
Ashok Pandey, an officer of the Department of Women and Child Development, said that this orphanage was being run by renting a house for Rs 10,000. People associated with this used to ask for donations in the name of children from nearby people. One such slip reached an officer of the Women and Child Development Department living in Nava Raipur. After that this illegal ashram was raided.

no one knows about keeping children
No information was even given to Child Line (1098), Police, Sakhi Center (181), Child Protection Unit or Child Welfare Committee (CWC) regarding the children who were kept in the institution. Whereas, it is necessary to give such information within 24 hours of receiving the child. During investigation it was found that the institution has been operating for only 20 days. This organization of Bhilai has got the registration done, but permission has to be taken from the Women and Child Development for the orphanage, which was not taken.

No information was given to any government organization about the children found in the institution.

No information was given to any government organization about the children found in the institution.

Children were brought up by sending agents
According to the facts that have come to the fore so far, this organization, which runs the orphanage illegally, through its agents, used to promote to make arrangements for the living and education of needy children. Ashok Pandey said that the family members of the children may have sent them here, but why the children of Mandla and Betul were brought here are being investigated. The Women and Child Development Department has written a letter to Rakhi Police Station and Raipur SSP in this matter.

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