2-yr-old Gets Back Mid-foot Through Plastic Surgery | Hubballi News – Times of India

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Dharwad: A team of plastic surgery experts at the SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital in Dharwad has re-implanted the amputated mid-foot of a two-year-old girl.
On August 4, a woman and her child riding pillion in Gadag on a two-wheeler met with an accident. Both fell off the vehicle. The child’s foot got stuck into the running wheel and was severely damaged.
The mother and the girl were rushed to the hospital where Dr Prakash Sankanur provided primary treatment and properly preserved the amputated foot and referred the patients to SDM Hospital in Dharwad.
Around 5.30 pm, when the plastic surgery team was in the OT, one of the doctors got a call from the emergency department about the child. The doctors shifted the child to the operation theatre within 20 minutes.
In four hours, a team of plastic and orthopaedic surgeons and an anaesthesiologist re-implanted the foot. The surgery was led by a senior plastic surgeon Dr Niranjan Kumar.
He said that any amputated part can be reimplanted if brought in proper condition and quickly. The amputated part should be brought to the hospital after washing the part in water and placing it in a clean plastic bag. It should be kept in an ice box, he said.


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