16th Indo-China Corps Commander’s Meet: This time India’s discussion is being held in Chushul; There will be an emphasis on the removal of Chinese forces from Eastern Ladakh

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Commander level talks have started between India and China in Chushul-Moldo. Prior to this, the 15th Corps Commander Meeting was held in March. It is believed that in this 16th round of talks, apart from patrolling point 15 in Gogra-Hot Springs, disengagement from Demchok and Depsang can be discussed.

Earlier the meeting was held in March
According to sources, talks are on for disintegration of the army on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. The Indian side is led by Lieutenant General A Sengupta, Commander of Fire and Fury Corps. The discussion of the previous round held on January 12 in the meeting will be carried forward.

It is worth noting that earlier the 15th round of China-India Corps Commander-level meeting was held on March 11 this year.

Round of discussions going on from 2020
India and China are engaged in trying to resolve the dispute over violation of Chinese military in several areas including Finger Area, Galwan Valley, Hot Springs and Kongrung Nala from April-May 2020. The situation worsened after violent clashes with Chinese troops in Galwan Valley in June 2020. Although due to the talks so far, troops were withdrawn from Pangong Tso north-southern banks and some areas of Galwan, but there are still some disputed parts left.

Chinese army furious with our vigil on LAC
Meanwhile, Air Force Chief VR Choudhary has said about the Chinese troops provoking the Indian Army on the LAC – “We keep an eye on all the activities happening on the LAC. Whenever we feel that the Chinese aircraft are coming very close to the LAC. So we put our fighter planes and our systems on high alert. This has stunned them. Although I can’t give any specific reason why they are doing this. We are taking action by sending our fighters there. “

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