162 days of vaccination: More than 320 million doses of corona vaccine were administered in India, reached at par with America

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  • COVID 19 Vaccination Day 162 News and Updates | India’s COVID 19 vaccination coverage crosses 32-crore landmark

New Delhi21 hours ago

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India achieved another achievement on Saturday in vaccinating Corona. The Health Ministry has said that more than 32 crore vaccines have been administered in the country so far. By 7 pm, this number has gone up to 32.11 crore. More doses than this in the world have been applied in China and America only. According to ourworldindata.org, China has applied more than 1 billion doses so far. However, the data released by China has always been questionable. At the same time, 32 crore doses have been applied in America.

The Union Health Ministry said that till 7 pm on Saturday, more than 58.10 lakh people were vaccinated. According to the Kovin app, by 11 pm this number had reached 63.84 lakh. For the last 4 days, this number is staying more than 60 lakhs continuously.

Maximum vaccination in Madhya Pradesh on Saturday
Madhya Pradesh again topped the country in the vaccination held on Saturday. More than 9.92 lakh people got the vaccine here. With this, the number of vaccinations in the state has reached close to 2 crores. Earlier on June 21, a record 17.42 lakh people and on June 23, 11.59 lakh people were vaccinated.

After Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra has the highest number of 7.34 lakh vaccines and 5.45 lakh in UP. In Gujarat and Tamil Nadu this number was more than 3 lakhs. More than 2 lakh people were vaccinated in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Telangana, West Bengal and Delhi.

Less than 1 lakh new cases for 19 consecutive days
The Health Ministry said that 48,698 new cases have been reported in India in the last 24 hours. For 19 consecutive days, less than 1 lakh new cases are being received. There is also a steady decline in active cases. At present, the active cases in the country are 5.81 lakh. After 86 days, the active cases have come down to 6 lakhs. The positivity rate is also just 1.97%.

The number of patients recovering is more than the cases being received daily for 44 consecutive days. 64,818 recoveries were recorded in the last 24 hours.

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