112-ft tall Adiyogi Shiva statue unveiled at Isha Foundation premises in Karnataka

Chikkaballapura: On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, a 112 feet statue of Adiyogi Shiva was unveiled at the foothills of Nandi Hills on 15th January. This 112 ft Adiyogi statue is a replica of the one in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The statue of Adiyogi has been built in the Isha Foundation campus located at Nandi Hills in Chikkaballapur district. The ashram has been established to promote Indian art, culture and spiritual traditions. Cultural programs including Bharatanatyam by Radhe Jaggi, daughter of Isha Foundation founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, and Theyyam, the fire dance from Kerala, marked the event. Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, State Health Minister K Sudhakar and Primary and Secondary Education Minister BC Nagesh were present on the occasion.

However, on January 11, the court had ordered status quo following a PIL against the construction, alleging that it violated various rules and laws related to forests and land acquisition.

ALSO READ: 112-ft Adiyogi to be unveiled at Chikkaballapura near Bengaluru on January 15

On Friday, the counsel for the Isha Yoga Center approached a division bench of Chief Justice Prasanna B Varale and Ashok S Kingai and submitted that the center is to be inaugurated on January 15, which will be attended by Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and other dignitaries.

The invitation regarding the inauguration was presented in the court. Isha Yoga Center is installing a 112 feet tall statue of Adiyogi at Avalagurki in Chikkaballapura district. The court was told that no trees will be cut for the event and they are not going ahead with the construction activities.

The court also recorded this submission and said that the program can go ahead as it was already fixed. The counsel for the petitioners sought a direction from the court that no fireworks should be used during the inauguration of the statue. Responding to this, the court said that such events would not take place as it was an event to be attended by the Vice President. The hearing of the case was adjourned to February 2.

(with agency inputs)