10 stories of UP’s Bahubalis: Those who came to the corridors of power from the world of crime, despite the serious allegations, the governments also awarded the ministerial post

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  • Uttar Pradesh (UP) Election Result 2022; UP Bahubali Raja Bhaiya, Karwaria Brothers Vijay Mishra Dhananjay Singh

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The force of Bahubalis in UP has always been successful in changing the outcome of elections. Before forming the government, we discuss them, without which even the elections in UP would not have been completed. Bhaskar has made frequent reports on the Bahubalis of UP during the elections. which are very interesting. Here are ten stories, by reading which you can get an idea of ​​their power.

first story

Prayagraj What happened, on Palace Cinema, read the full news…

another story

The characters of this story are Ateeq Ahmed, his brother Ashraf, Raju Pal and his wife Pooja Pal. Prayagraj’s Sulemsarai means the place where the politics of the three leaders had ended. 17 years have passed but people have not forgotten those painful 8 minutes. A simple girl who used to sweep the hospital became an MLA. This time again in the election. straight instead of reading a lot Read full news…

third story

The story of the fear of Raja Bhaiya of Kunda is such that the house in Dilerganj kept burning, no one could take out 1 bucket of water from the pond 100 meters away. Pratapgarh is the only Bahubali in the district. The name is Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja Bhaiya. There is a saying that from where the boundary of the kunda begins, the boundaries of the state government end. Read the full news of Raja Bhaiya’s fear…

fourth story

The don of Purvanchal whose fear even the CBI had returned the case. That chapter of terror is now closed. Bahubali went to jail and his children came in the election. One of these is the name of Mukhtar Ansari, the biggest don of Purvanchal. Son Abbas Ansari is the candidate from the Sadar seat of Mau. Read the news of Mukhtar Ansari’s crime…

fifth story

Gyanpur is a seat in Bhadohi district. The MLA is Vijay Mishra. More time in jail than the area they live in, but the influence is so much that they come from any party and win the election. Vijay Mishra was once considered like a son of Mulayam. The stories of Vijay Mishra’s crimes that are hard to believe. Read full news…

sixth story

There was also a Bahubali of UP, who continued to commit crimes even in the midst of Y category security; There was a claim of being killed in the encounter, but he came out alive. In Jaunpur, as soon as the word Robinhood comes out of your tongue, people will themselves say Dhananjay Singh. Who is Dhananjay? The story is interesting, Read full news…

seventh story

Poorvanchal is suffering from the disease of kingship. Brajesh Singh’s name is also in this episode of Badshahat. Tragedy, crime, emotion, drama are all there in Brajesh Singh’s life. Ears turn red listening to the whole story. Jailed Brajesh is an MLC from Varanasi, the Lok Sabha constituency of PM Narendra Modi. Read full news…

eighth story

The henchmen of Gorakhpur’s Bahubali Harishankar Tiwari used to declare, ‘Don’t leave the house today, bullets will be fired, corpses will fall’. He started criminalization in politics and then established it. From mafia became honorable and then minister. If the election is lost, then the inheritance was handed over to the son Vinay Shankar Tiwari. Read full news.,

ninth story

DP Yadav is not an ordinary person but he is a Bahubali who came out to sell milk from home and became the biggest liquor mafia of the country. The parties called and made MLA-MPs and ministers. 350 people died after drinking their raw liquor. But this time even after filing nomination, the form was withdrawn. Read the reason behind this…

tenth story

UP leader Bahubali Amarmani Tripathi, who is in jail for love-sex and murder. Evidence became DNA test of the child who died in the womb of the pregnant. Amarmani and his wife are currently in jail. But how did all this happen that a 4-time MLA, a leader who was a minister in different governments today became an ‘untouchable’ for political parties?Read full news…

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