10 Red Flags That Something’s Wrong Down There

Dr. Rubina Shanawaz Z, Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Uro Gynaecology, Fortis Hospital, Richmond Road, Bangalore, provides information on the causes of discomfort and discomfort in private areas of the body.

She lists the following problems:

1. Itching

2. Burning sensation while urinating

3. Unable to control your urine

4. Aggressive vaginal discharge

5. Lump on the vulva

6. Unexpected Bleeding

7. Dryness in the vagina

8. Sensation of something coming out of the vagina

9. Constipation

10. Persistent dull pain in the lower abdomen

1) Itching :

It can be either external (the part called the vulva) or internal (the vagina). If it is external, first rule out allergy, especially when associated with a rash. If not allergic, it may be due to viral or fungal infection. Itching inside the vagina is usually caused by a yeast infection, especially when accompanied by a thick white discharge. When there is no discharge, itching may be due to dryness of the vagina.

2) Burning while urinating:

This may be due to a urinary infection, especially when associated with a frequent need to urinate. A urine analysis can help rule out an infection. urinary tract.

3) Inability to control your urination:

This is again most commonly caused by a urinary infection. When infection is ruled out, it may be due to weakness of the muscles that support your urinary tract or overactivity of the bladder causing urine to leak out unexpectedly.

4) Aggressive vaginal discharge:

Clear or white discharge is normal when it occurs in the middle of your period or cycle, just before the time of ovulation. Red flags to test the discharge are when it is colorless, pale, green, or thick white and is accompanied by a foul odor or itching. Persistent excessive white discharge also needs attention.

5) Lump on vulva:

Bumps on the skin underneath can be a side effect of shaving or hair removal products. If the lumps are palpable and fluid-filled, accompanied by burning, genital herpes infection should be considered..If the lump occurs on the lower part of the vagina and is extremely painful, a pus collection has to be ruled out.

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6) Unexpected Bleeding:

Any bleeding outside of your menstrual cycle is abnormal. This could be spotting of blood in the middle of your cycle or spotting of blood after sex or bleeding with urine. In all these scenarios, a gynecological exam is necessary to determine the cause.

7) Dryness in vagina:

When it is felt after sex, it may be due to a basic lack of lubrication. Sometimes, untreated vaginal infection can also cause dryness. If it occurs after menopause, it may result from hormonal deficiency.

8) Feeling of something coming out of the vagina:

It is caused by the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, which causes the uterus, bladder or rectum to drop down, causing a feeling of mass coming out of the vagina. It may be associated with difficulty urinating or passing stools.

9) Constipation :

When constipation occurs despite adequate water intake and a high-fiber diet, it may be a sign of underlying abnormalities causing a blockage of the passage or a weakness of the rectal wall.

10) Persistent dull pain in the lower abdomen:

This can be caused by a number of reasons, from a muscle strain to an infection of the urine, uterus or intestine, or an abnormal growth in one of these organs.

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A consultation with your gynecologist along with relevant investigations including blood tests and ultrasound can help in resolving your issues.

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