বছরে ১০ কোটি টাকা বিদ্যুৎ বিল!‌ অর্থসংকটেও কেন এমন হচ্ছে যাদবপুর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে?

Jadavpur University has recently faced severe financial crisis. On one hand money is not coming from the central government. On the other hand, the prices of everything have increased. In such a situation, the Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University, Suranjan Das has written a letter to the ex-pats spread across the country and abroad, pleading for financial help. Otherwise it is not possible to run the expenses of this university. The Vice-Chancellor gave this information in the presence of Professor-Governor CV Anand Bose at the convocation on Saturday. This time there is a big financial pressure on them.

What kind of economic pressure is being seen when the economic crisis is going on, it is being seen that the electricity bill of Jadavpur University is skyrocketing. Jadavpur University has to pay an electricity bill of around 10 crores per year. The university authorities think it is poison on God. Now a committee constituted by the university started looking for a reason for the skyrocketing electricity bill. How to reduce electricity bill is seen.

What kind of initiatives have been taken? Jadavpur University is trying to come out of this financial crisis. Therefore, the University Executive Council has already constituted a committee on the advice of the Vice-Chancellor to reduce the cost and find sources of income. This committee is looking into the whole matter. They will give a report on where the expenditure of the university will be cut. There it will be told in which sector additional expenditure is being incurred. This committee will also throw light on why the electricity bill is coming indiscriminately.

Why such unusual electricity bills are coming, Jadavpur University’s financial crisis is becoming a hindrance in research. There the university has to pay an electricity bill of Rs 10 crore annually. Its cost should not exceed Rs.6 crore. So why four crore extra had to be given? The question has been raised. According to university sources, AC runs for hours in various departments here. In some parts, the light fan does not turn off. Therefore, the committee has proposed to install separate meters for each section. So that it is easy to audit the electricity bill and the concerned department can be alerted if abnormal is found.