हिसार में सरपंच चुनाव हारी उम्मीदवार का सम्मान: समर्थकों ने स्कार्पियों और 51 लाख रुपए दिए; खेदड़ में चुनाव हारी थी कोमल रानी

Hisar2 hours ago

Villagers honoring the family members of the defeated candidate.

In Hisar’s Khedad village, villagers honored Komal Rani, the defeated candidate in the Sarpanch election. Supporters presented Rs 51 lakh and a Scorpio car as a mark of respect. Komal Rani was defeated by Renu Rani by 150 votes. Komal Rani is doing PhD. Komal Rani also took blessings from the elderly women and also honored them. While the current sarpanch, 23-year-old Renu Rani is preparing for NEET. Renu’s father Shamsher Singh Sheru has also been a former sarpanch.

Shamsher defeated Kaliram in 2010
In the 2010 Panchayati elections of the village, there was a contest between Kaliram and Shamsher Singh. Shamsher Singh defeated Kaliram in this election. After this, in 2016, the seat of Sarpanch was reserved. After this, there was again a contest between Kaliram’s daughter-in-law Komal Rani and Renu Rani, daughter of former sarpanch Shamsher Singh, for the women’s reserve seat in the 2022 elections.

Kaliram told that he would spend this amount only in the next election and deposit it in the bank. He will maintain the honor and respect of his supporters and play the role of the opposition.

Villagers honoring Komal Rani's father-in-law Kaliram Khedar by giving him the key of Scorpio.

Villagers honoring Komal Rani’s father-in-law Kaliram Khedar by giving him the key of Scorpio.

Hisar’s biggest amount so far
Komal Rani, the candidate who lost in Khedad village, has been presented with the biggest honorarium ever in Hisar. Earlier, the supporters of the defeated candidate in Hisar’s Budakheda village presented a Bolero vehicle and an amount of Rs 31 lakh 31 thousand. Similarly, Harendra Singh, the defeated candidate in Dhana Kalan, was honored with Rs 16 lakh 50 thousand and Rs 5 lakh to the defeated candidates in Indwan and Kirtan villages.

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