हरियाणा OPS विवाद में चर्चित IAS खेमका की एंट्री: बोले- कर्मचारियों को बाजार के सहारे छोड़ना, क्या नैतिक है?, पुरानी पेंशन मिले

Chandigarh14 minutes ago

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IAS Ashok Khemka has been entered in the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) controversy in Haryana. He has supported giving OPS to the employees. Clearing his intention regarding OPS, Khemka has written that the government should ensure the pension fund, so that every employee can get pension on retirement as per the old pension scheme.

It is not ethical to leave workers with the help of market
Haryana’s senior IAS has tweeted about OPS and wrote that is it ethical to leave the employees with the support of the market in the evening of life? Even before this, Khemka keeps expressing his intentions by tweeting on the burning issues of the state. Recently, he had also raised questions on the intention of the government regarding his transfer.

Tweet of IAS Ashok Khemka.

Tweet of IAS Ashok Khemka.

CM has made 3 member committee
In Haryana, 1.74 lakh employees are on the streets regarding the Old Pension Scheme. Chandigarh-Panchkula police have lathi-charged and used tear gas shells on thousands of employees during the protest in Panchkula. Although Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has formed a 3-member committee to consider OPS after talks with the employees, which will submit its report on March 2. After this, there will be a meeting of the CM with the employees again on March 3.

Hindenburg’s report raised questions
Haryana’s senior IAS Ashok Khemka has also tweeted on Gautam Adani controversy. Responding to the controversy, Khemka wrote that the Hindenburg report shows that some auditors, regulators, credit rating agencies are not doing their job properly. This is the reason that till now whatever loss has been done in this whole matter, it has happened to the people of the country only. (Read full news)

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