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  • Rajasthan Junaid Nasir Death Controversy; Monu Manesar Bajrang Dal, Rajasthan Police raid in Haryana | haryana news

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The Rajasthan Police has been accused of vandalism in Haryana’s Nuh district. In the case of burning two Muslim youths alive, the Rajasthan Police had raided the house of accused Shrikant in Nuh district. The family alleges that the Rajasthan Police assaulted all the members.

Srikanth’s pregnant wife was also pushed and thrashed. Due to which the 9-month-old baby growing in her womb died. He has given a complaint to the Nuh police. After which the Haryana Police has started investigating the matter.

Srikanth’s mother told the whole agony…

Came at 3 in the morning, forcibly opened the gate and entered the house: Shrikant’s mother Dulari lodged a complaint at the Nagina police station in Nuh district on Saturday. Dulari told that 30-40 personnel of Rajasthan Police reached her house at 3 am in the dark of February 16. They forcibly opened the gates of the house by threatening the family. As soon as he entered inside, he started inquiring about Srikant.

When the son was not found, they started fighting: Dulari told that she informed the Rajasthan Police that Srikant was not at home. Hearing this, the employees got angry. He started abusing the family members. When the family tried to stop them, they started thrashing them mercilessly. He started searching the rooms while beating the members of the house.

Shrikant's mother Dulari wails with the dead child in her arms.

Shrikant’s mother Dulari wails with the dead child in her arms.

Pregnant Kamlesh pushed, assaulted: Dulari further said that Rajasthan Police personnel were creating ruckus in the entire house. Meanwhile, Shrikant’s pregnant wife Kamlesh was in a room. The staff of Rajasthan Police did not spare him either. They pushed Kamlesh down and assaulted him.

Pregnant woman started suffering from stomach pain, immediately taken to hospital Dulari further told- During this, due to the fight, Kamlesh, who was pregnant, started having stomach ache. She started writhing in pain. Seeing the deteriorating condition, he immediately took him to the District Civil Hospital, Mandikheda. Seeing the critical condition of the daughter-in-law here, referred to the Medical College, Nalhar.

When the doctors operated, the child was born dead. The condition of pregnant Kamlesh kept on deteriorating. Seeing the danger to Kamlesh and the unborn child, on February 18 at 8 am, the doctors operated in the medical college. The child was born dead after the operation. Blood was coming from the mouth of the newborn and the pulse was stopped. Dulari said that the unborn child died because of the beating by the policemen. Rajasthan Police killed the unborn child. While his daughter-in-law is still admitted in ICU in critical condition.

The pregnant victim is currently admitted in the hospital located in the Medical College in critical condition.

The pregnant victim is currently admitted in the hospital located in the Medical College in critical condition.

Rajasthan Police took 2 younger sons, contact is not possible: Dulari said that when her elder son Shrikant was not found at home, the Rajasthan police forcibly picked up her two younger sons, Vishnu and Rahul. He kept protesting but the police took him away with them. After this, he is not having any contact with both the sons. Due to which they are worried about any untoward incident.

Demand for strict action from Nuh administration
In this case, the complaint of Dulari has reached the Nuh police. In which a case has been registered against the employees of Rajasthan Police and a demand has been made to arrest them. Nuh’s police station Nagina SHO Rajbir confirmed the receipt of the complaint and said that the family’s complaint is against the Rajasthan Police. Action has been initiated in this matter.

Read… Shrikant’s mother Dulari’s complaint to the police

2 Muslim youths of Rajasthan were burnt alive in Bhiwani
In fact, on February 15, two youths were found burnt alive in a Bolero at Loharu in Bhiwani district of Haryana. Both these Muslim youths were Junaid and Nasir. Investigation revealed that both of them are residents of Ghatmika in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. Junaid-Nasir’s family alleged that they were thrashed by Haryana Bajrang Dal men and then burnt alive. Apart from Haryana’s Bajrang Dal cow protection chief Monu Manesar, some other accused have been named in this case. In this case, the Rajasthan Police is searching for the accused in Haryana.

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