स्कूली एजुकेशन में बदलाव के प्रस्ताव: छठी कक्षा से ही बच्चों को पेशेवर ट्रेनिंग, उद्योगों में इंटर्नशिप भी

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • proposals for change in school education; Vocational training to children from class VI, internship in industries

New Delhi18 hours agoAuthor: Anirudh Sharma

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Created three groups of vocational education – agriculture, service and manufacturing sector.

Till now, the kind of technical and non-technical vocational trade training which is given to the students who have passed 8th to 12th in ITI, now it will start in the school itself. The draft of the new National Curriculum Framework proposes that vocational education i.e. professional training for children should be started from class 6 itself.

On the lines of the National Skill Qualification Framework, three groups of vocational education have been created in the school system – agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors. These are related to the cultivation of plants and animal husbandry respectively, the use of tools and machines for production and the skill of working with people.

Under the nature-related vocation, children from classes 6 to 8 i.e. middle school will be involved in activities like vegetable garden, while students from 9th to 12th i.e. secondary level will learn floriculture, dairy farming. Handicraft of paper, clay, wood and cloth will be taught to middle school children under the vocation related to machines and tools.

Children interested in tailoring will get hands-on training in sewing clothes using scissors, sewing machine, carpentry and pottery to make wooden products. While secondary students will be taught advanced courses in tailoring, carpentry along with welding.

Emphasis will be laid on developing communication and interpersonal skills (communication and interpersonal skills) of children in vocational training related to service sector. Middle school children will be trained to work as assistants in nursing homes and shops, how to talk to patients and customers, while at the secondary level, vocational training will be given in housekeeping and beauty culture.

Middle school students from 6th to 8th grade will do one vocation-related project every year from all three vocational groups. In this way, on completion of middle school, 9 projects of the students will be completed. For this, students can be linked with units like poultry, dairy farm, pest control unit and nursery, mechanic workshop, carpentry workplace or tailoring unit, restaurant, gym, hospital, old age home and beauty parlour.

At the end of the year, there will be a skill fair in the school, in which students will showcase their skills related to the project. Similarly, secondary level students will get this training in the form of multi-skill courses in the fields of nature friendly farming, nursery management, animal husbandry management, food processing, public health and hygiene, automotive service etc.

Two and a half to three hours training, weightage will be up to 75%

Vocational training has been asked to be kept for 2.5 hours a week at the middle level and 3 hours for the secondary level. At the time of evaluation, 75% weightage will be given to practical and 25% weightage to theory.

The rationale for this in the draft NCF is that students who do not want to pursue higher education will get a good foundation from this training. In middle school, children will at least understand how to identify and maintain equipment, machines and workplaces and how to work. Secondary children will learn to use machines and equipment, will be able to acquire other skills.

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