सेहत – बादाम खाने के शौकीन हो जाएं अलर्ट, किडनी स्टोन और एलर्जी का हो सकते हैं शिकार, जानें 5 बड़े नुकसान – INA News Agancy


Consuming more almonds can increase your weight.
People suffering from kidney stones should eat less almonds.

Side effects of eating too many almonds: Eating almonds sharpens the mind and the body gets many benefits. Almond is considered hot and this is the reason why people consume it a lot in winters. You must have heard many times about the benefits of almonds, but do you know that excessive consumption of almonds can also cause many damages to the body? You must be shocked to hear but this thing is absolutely correct. Excessive consumption of anything is always harmful. Today we will tell you what problems you can become a victim of by eating excessive almonds.

5 major disadvantages of eating more almonds

Constipation can be a problem- stylecrase report According to almonds, there is a lot of fiber in it. Consuming more fiber can cause constipation and gas problems. Especially if you do not drink enough water, then the risk of getting these problems increases. Constipation can become the cause of many serious problems, so carelessness should not be taken about it.

Weight may increase Eating more almonds increases the amount of calories in our body, which can lead to weight gain. If you eat more than 20 almonds in a day, then your weight can increase rapidly. That’s why people should eat only 5-6 almonds in a day. People trying to lose weight should avoid almonds. People struggling with obesity should also eat at least almonds.

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increased risk of allergiesEating too many almonds can cause you more allergic syndrome problems, due to which itching in the mouth, itching in the throat and swelling on the tongue can occur. Some people may be more allergic to it and conditions like nausea, vomiting, blood pressure may arise. People who are suffering from allergies should consult their doctor before consuming almonds.

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Risk of becoming kidney stone- Almonds are high in soluble oxalates, which can cause kidney stones. About 100 grams of roasted almonds contain 469 milligrams of oxalate. If you are struggling with the problem of kidney stone, then distance should be made from almonds.

Toxins accumulate in the body- Excessive consumption of almonds increases the amount of toxic elements in the body. When this problem increases more then there is a nervous breakdown and difficulty in breathing. Especially pregnant women must consult a doctor before consuming almonds.