सिग्नल पर खड़े युवक के बैग से 40 लाख चोरी: दिल्ली में बाइक सवार को भनक तक नहीं लगी, तीन चोर पैसे निकाल ले गए

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  • Delhi Red Fort Traffic Signal Video; 40 lakh stolen from the bag. delhi news

New DelhiOne hour ago

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The incident took place near the Red Fort in Delhi, the police said that this gang takes advantage of the traffic and executes the theft incident.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The incident took place near the Red Fort in Delhi, the police said that this gang takes advantage of the traffic and executes the theft incident.

Three thieves took away Rs 40 lakh from the bag of a bike rider standing at a traffic signal near the Red Fort in Delhi. A video of this has come to the fore, in which a young man riding a bike is standing at a traffic signal. Three people came from behind and very cleanly took out the money from his bag. Then ran away from there. During this incident, the young man did not even get a clue that the money was stolen from his bag. As soon as the signal opened, the young man went ahead. The incident is of March 1, its video has now surfaced.

After this, when the young man came to know that the money was missing, he complained to the police. Police has caught two accused with the help of CCTV. One accused is absconding. The arrested accused have been identified as Akash and Abhishek. Out of Rs 40 lakh stolen from him, Rs 38 lakh has been recovered.

In the middle of the road, three people stole money from the bag of a bike rider, no one even came to know.

In the middle of the road, three people stole money from the bag of a bike rider, no one even came to know.

Gang targets bike riders
Police said the group is known to target only bike riders. The gang has carried out such incidents in traffic or when there is a signal.

The young man is a cashier in the firm, said – went home and saw the money was missing
The young man told that he is a cashier in a firm related to education. He was going to North Avenue with someone’s money at the behest of the owner of the firm, when this incident of theft took place on the way, when he reached he saw that the money was missing. Then went to the police station and complained.

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