समलैंगिक जोड़ों को बच्चा गोद लेने की अनुमति मिले: SC में सेम सेक्स मैरिज वाली याचिकाओं के साथ सुनवाई करने की अपील

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  • Same Sex Couples Child Adoption Rights; Delhi DCPCR petition in Supreme Court

New Delhi12 minutes ago

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A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking permission for same-sex couples to adopt a child. This application has been filed by the Delhi Government’s Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR).

The DCPCR said that it should also be heard along with the petitions seeking recognition of same-sex marriage, which will be heard by a five-judge constitution bench on April 18.

DCPCR said in the petition that in more than 50 countries of the world, same-sex couples have been allowed to adopt a child. Just like same-sex couples, same-sex couples can be good or bad parents. There is no evidence that living with same-sex couples affects children’s psychological development.

According to the petition, recognition of same sex marriage will not affect the existing laws much. Right now the child adoption law in the country is based on beliefs and assumptions. Same-sex couples do not discriminate on the basis of gender. That is why if the couple separates for any reason, then there will be no husband-wife dispute in fixing alimony, taking custody of the child.

Central government is against same sex marriage
The Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court will hear on April 18 the petitions seeking legal recognition of same sex marriage. In the hearing held on March 12, the central government opposed giving legal recognition to these marriages. According to the news agency, the Center had filed a 56-page affidavit in the Supreme Court regarding this. The central government tells that the government is not in its favor.

The central government says that same sex marriage is not according to Indian tradition. It does not match with the concept of husband and wife and the children born to them. The present condition of the society is also mentioned in the affidavit. Center said- In the present times, many types of marriages or relationships are being adopted in the society. We have no objection to this.

SC transfers petitions related to same sex marriage to itself

Earlier, the Supreme Court had decided to simultaneously hear all the petitions filed in different High Courts including Delhi regarding this issue. On January 6, the court had transferred all the petitions related to this issue to itself. Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, Justice P.S. Narasimha and Justice J. B. Pardiwala’s bench will hear the matter on Monday.

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