सब्जी में टमाटर डालने से नाराज हुई पत्नी: बेटी को लेकर घर से निकली; पति बोला- अब नहीं टमाटर डालूंगा, वापस आ जाओ

Shahdol10 hours ago

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Sanjeev Verma, a resident of Shahdol, had put two tomatoes in the vegetable without telling his wife, this made his wife angry.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Sanjeev Verma, a resident of Shahdol, had put two tomatoes in the vegetable without telling his wife, this made his wife angry.

In Shahdol, a man put two tomatoes in a vegetable without asking his wife. Angered by this, the wife left the house without informing. Took the daughter along with her. Now the husband is pleading with her to return home. This matter of Bemhori in the district has reached the police station.

The husband is troubled by the wife leaving the house. He is going round the police station. He is pleading to bring back his wife. Dhanpuri TI Sanjay Jaiswal told that the woman has been traced. Angry, she has gone to her sister’s house in Umaria. We are trying to negotiate.

Said – Wife became furious as soon as tomatoes were added

Bemhori resident Sanjeev Verma told that I run a small dhaba. Apart from this, I also do tiffin work. Three days ago, I was cooking vegetables at home to give in tiffin, then I chopped 2 tomatoes and put them in it without asking my wife Aarti. Seeing this, the wife became enraged and started quarreling that tomatoes are so expensive and you put 2 tomatoes in the vegetable. Due to this a quarrel started between the two.

Sanjeev Verma reached the police station to request his wife to be called back.

Sanjeev Verma reached the police station to request his wife to be called back.

Husband told the whole story after reaching the police station

The victim’s husband, who reached Dhanpuri police station, told the police that the wife had gone somewhere in the morning bus. She has also taken her daughter with her. Now I am trying to bring her back, but she is more upset about the tomato thing, so she does not want to come back.

husband vows not to put tomatoes

Husband Sanjeev Verma is taking an oath in front of the police that he will not put tomatoes in the vegetable until the prices of tomatoes become normal. Just let the police call back his wife along with their daughter. This dispute between husband and wife regarding the increased price of tomatoes is now being discussed in the whole city.

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Sanjeev Verma standing outside the police station says that now he will not put tomato in the vegetable.  Get my wife back.

Sanjeev Verma standing outside the police station says that now he will not put tomato in the vegetable. Get my wife back.

Gave advice to wife over phone

Dhanpuri police station in-charge Sanjay Jaiswal told that Sanjeev Verma has reached the police station in search of his wife. He told that there was an argument between the two over adding tomatoes to the vegetable. After which the wife has left the house. When we found out, the woman is at her sister’s house in Umaria. He has been advised to return to his home.

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