रोहतक की बेटी ने जीता ‘मिस ग्लैम डीवा’ अवॉर्ड: मुस्कान ने आगरा में 200 प्रतियोगियों को पछाड़ा, स्वर्गीय पिता का सपना पूरा किया

Rohtak10 minutes ago

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Miss Glam Diva Award winner Muskan Bhardwaj said that her aim is to become Miss India.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Miss Glam Diva Award winner Muskan Bhardwaj said that her aim is to become Miss India.

Muskan Bhardwaj of Rohtak, Haryana has won the title of Miss Glam Diva Award 2023. She became the winner in the National Level Competition in Agra. After winning the award, when Muskaan reached home in Sector-2 of Rohtak, the family warmly welcomed her. This competition took place in Agra on 28 May. In which 200 contestants from across the country participated.

Muskaan said that her aim is to win the title of Miss India. She had a dream of winning the beauty contest from the beginning, in which she has succeeded today.

Pictures of Muskaan during the competition…

A smile expressing happiness on being declared the winner.

A smile expressing happiness on being declared the winner.

Muskan Bhardwaj with the first and second runner-up.

Muskan Bhardwaj with the first and second runner-up.

daughters get a chance
Muskaan said that the people of Haryana should change their thinking about girls. If girls are given a chance, they can achieve anything. His father had passed away 5 years back. He also had the same dream that his daughter should achieve success in this field. She is happy that she was able to fulfill her father’s wish.

Miss Glam Diva Award winner Muskan Bhardwaj with her family

Miss Glam Diva Award winner Muskan Bhardwaj with her family

Mother said – supported the daughter all the time
Muskaan’s mother Dr. Shweta Bhardwaj said that she fully supported her daughter in realizing her dreams. Didn’t block anything. He is happy that the daughter has achieved success. If parents support then daughters can achieve any destination.

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