रेपो रेट जैसी की तैसी: महंगाई से राहत नहीं, पेट्रोल- डीज़ल सस्ते हो गए लेकिन कंपनियाँ भाव घटाने को तैयार नहीं

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Bhaskar Rai; Fuel prices not coming down at repo rate unchanged at 6.5 per cent

11 minutes ago

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The Reserve Bank has not made any change in the repo rate in its review. This simply means that whoever has taken a loan from the bank will not get any relief for the next three months. Expensive petrol, skyrocketing food items and flour and pulses, everything is expensive. In such a situation, if there is no relief in EMI also, then there is sadness.

Well, the rich have nothing to do with this kind of misery in this country. The poor does not get bogged down by any EMI. One left middle class man. The burden of the world has to fall on him. Because he has also taken a loan from the bank. He is also addicted to going to the mall. Oil also burns in his car and along with all this, his increment is also not getting more than five percent. At least this is the condition since three years after Kovid.

Meanwhile, there is news that the crude oil supplied to India from Russia has become much cheaper or should we say that India is getting much cheaper. But the companies are not ready to reduce the prices. They keep looting people by telling about their old losses.

As far as the Central Government is concerned, it brushes its shoulders by saying that the price of oil depends on the market. The government has not been able to control this since the days of the Congress. It is a different matter that when elections are to be won, then all the controls come to the governments and they also use the power to reduce the prices of petrol and diesel.

As far as the condition of the state governments is concerned, it is not right to even ask. If there is a fire in the world, even if the central government reduces the price, the state governments are not ready to reduce their share of tax. In fact, the huge income of these state governments comes from the sale of petrol, diesel and liquor. That’s why despite lakhs of instructions from the Centre, the states are never ready to reduce their taxes.

Where does the middle class who is suffering due to tax finally go? Due to being an income tax payer, he does not get the benefit of most of the schemes of the governments. Above all, the brunt of inflation falls on him the most. Governments have never been concerned about this class. In fact, governments have been officially saying that there is no need to do anything for the middle class. He’ll see for himself!

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