राहुल गांधी बोले- अडाणी मुद्दे पर डरे हैं PM: वे मुझे पार्लियामेंट में नहीं बोलने देंगे, प्रधानमंत्री बताएं अडाणी से उनका क्या रिश्ता

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  • Rahul Gandhi Vs PM Modi Adani Affair | AICC Office Press Conference Update

New Delhi4 hours ago

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has given clarification regarding the speech given in London. He said on Thursday that there was nothing in my speech that I did not extract from the public record. Everything was collected from here and there. This whole issue is to distract. Actually, the Prime Minister is scared of the Adani issue. They should tell what is their relation with Adani.

Rahul Gandhi said all these things in the press conference. Also said that I will answer in detail in Parliament on the issue of the speech given in London. I am an MP and Parliament is my platform.

Rahul said that Adani is getting contracts in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Australia. The PM could not answer what happened between the Prime Minister and the Australian PM. I am a member of the Lok Sabha. It is my responsibility to keep my point in the Parliament. If I get a chance to speak in Parliament tomorrow, I will present my views on this subject in detail there. However, it seems they will not allow me to speak in the Parliament House.

Rahul said – BJP does not like my speaking

Rahul Gandhi sitting with his party MPs in the Central Hall of Parliament on Thursday.

Rahul Gandhi sitting with his party MPs in the Central Hall of Parliament on Thursday.

Earlier outside the Parliament, Rahul had said – I had not said anything against India in London. If I get a chance to speak in Parliament, I will keep my point. He further said that the BJP does not like my speaking.

Earlier, both the houses were adjourned till 2 pm as soon as the proceedings of Parliament started at 11 am on Thursday. When the proceedings started in the afternoon, once again there was an uproar, both the Houses were adjourned for the day.

On Thursday, Congress workers in Delhi demonstrated fiercely in the Adani case.

On Thursday, Congress workers in Delhi demonstrated fiercely in the Adani case.

Rahul met the speaker and asked for time
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi met Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday. He asked for time to present his side in Parliament on London’s statement.

Read what Rahul had said in London

  • I am not the PM, he insults the country: I remember the last time the Prime Minister went abroad and announced that nothing happened in 70 years of independence. He had said that we have lost a decade. There is immense corruption in India. He had said all this abroad. I have never insulted my country. I would never do that. When they say nothing happened in 70 years, isn’t it an insult to every Indian?”
  • One who questions the government is attacked: If someone is a supporter of PM Narendra Modi, then he is also supported blindly. On the contrary, those who question him or his government are attacked. Something similar has happened with the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC. BBC made documentary on Gujarat riots and Modi government created controversy. Called it a propaganda.
  • My being a PM candidate is not a topic of discussion: When Rahul was asked that he would be the next PM candidate, he said – My being a PM candidate is not a matter of discussion. The central idea of ​​the opposition is to defeat the BJP and the RSS.
  • I do not agree with Modi’s style: The idea that one man solves all problems is superficial. Talking to people solves problems. For this, dialogue between the stakeholders and the government is necessary. I don’t agree with the top-to-bottom Narendra Modi-style of one person who runs around with a magic wand to fix things.
Rahul Gandhi changed his look before going on UK tour.  In the new look, he was seen in a trimmed beard.

Rahul Gandhi changed his look before going on UK tour. In the new look, he was seen in a trimmed beard.

4 big things of Rahul Gandhi…

  • Rahul said that the democratic countries of the world, including America, failed to notice that India’s democracy was in danger.
  • In India we are fighting against BJP and RSS. These two have captured all the government institutions in the country. Institutions in UK are free and two parties fight with each other, but in India the opposition is fighting with BJP, RSS as well as government institutions.
  • BJP wants Dalits, Adivasis, Media and everyone else in India to remain calm. They want this so that they can take whatever is in India and hand it over to their 4-5 close friends.
  • I agree with Indian foreign policy. The Prime Minister says that no one has entered the land of India. No one has taken even an inch of our land, but India needs to be careful with China. He is very active and aggressive on the border.

Also read these news related to Rahul Gandhi…

Rahul praised China in Cambridge, said- China is a peace loving country

Rahul Gandhi giving speech at Cambridge Judge School.

Rahul Gandhi giving speech at Cambridge Judge School.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi praised China at Cambridge University in Britain. He said that look at China’s infrastructure, be it railways, airports, everything is connected with nature. China is strongly connected to nature. On the other hand, if we talk about America, then it considers itself bigger than nature. Suffice it to say that China loves peace. There the government works like a corporation. Read full news..

Rahul changed his stance on China: In Cambridge, China was called a peace-loving country, now said- India needs to be cautious about it

In Cambridge, Rahul Gandhi’s stand, who described China as a peace-loving and nature-oriented country, has now changed. In the India Insights program of the Indian Journalist Association in London, about 100 km from Cambridge, Rahul said – India needs to be cautious with China. He is very active and aggressive on the border. read full news

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