महाराष्ट्र में बस और ट्रक के बीच टक्कर: 10 लोगों की मौत; 20 घायल, साईं बाबा के दर्शन के लिए जा रहे थे यात्री

  • Hindi News
  • national
  • Maharashtra Shirdi devotees bus accident video; 10 killed, 20 injured | maharashtra news

Mumbai6 minutes ago

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There was a fierce collision between a bus and a truck in Maharashtra on Friday morning. 10 people died in the accident, while 20 people are said to be injured. According to media reports, the accident took place on the Nashik-Shirdi highway. It is being told that the people aboard the bus were going to visit Sai Baba.

The bus going to visit Sai Baba broke into two pieces after the accident.

The bus going to visit Sai Baba broke into two pieces after the accident.

The video of this incident has surfaced. It is seen in the video that the bus has been completely crushed. The local people present at the spot informed the police about the incident. Police and rescue team reached the spot. All the injured have been admitted to the hospital. According to the police, the dead include 6 women, 2 men and 2 children. The condition of some of the injured is said to be very serious.

The truck which collided with the bus was also completely buried in the accident.

The truck which collided with the bus was also completely buried in the accident.

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