ब्रिटेन के गुरुद्वारे चरमपंथियों का टारगेट: ब्लूम रिपोर्ट के खुलासे ने UK सरकार को चौंकाया, गुरुद्वारों के पैसे का हो रहा गलत प्रयोग

Amritsar3 hours ago

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Sikh extremists are using UK Gurdwaras for wrong purposes. In the past, the Bloom Review report by independent consultant Colin Bloom has forced the UK government to think. Prepared on the basis of more than 21 thousand responses and interviews, this report is pointing to investigate extremist activities within the Sikh community.

The Bloom Report states that Khalistan-supporting extremists among British Sikhs are promoting an ethno-nationalist agenda. Some of these extremists are known to support and incite violence and intimidation in their ambition to establish an independent state called Khalistan, which shares physical borders with the state of Punjab in India.

Interestingly, this demand of Khalistan supporters does not include the part of Pakistan Occupied Punjab. It is not entirely clear whether the motivation of these extremists is based on faith.

In support of Amritpal Singh, Khalistan supporters openly raised the demand for a separate country.

In support of Amritpal Singh, Khalistan supporters openly raised the demand for a separate country.

Extremists controlling the Gurudwaras of England
The shocking revelation in the Bloom Report is that Sikh extremists are now controlling Gurdwaras in England and using money raised in the name of faith to propagate Khalistan. The youth are being brainwashed to follow the ‘Partition Agenda’. Concern has been expressed that the UK government is not able to differentiate between the ‘extremist agenda of the regime’ and the mainstream Sikh communities.

Need to differentiate between Sikhism and extremists
Bloom Reports is calling for the government and civil service to reflect on who is actually exploiting Sikhism to promote policies that represent and break the faith. The government must ensure that British politicians engage with this agenda.

Bloom spoke to politicians, academics and officials who said they have been threatened by aggressive Sikh activists who abuse or threaten anyone who criticizes them. Many people have been intimidated and called ‘traitors’.

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