बृजभूषण पर दर्ज दोनों FIR आई सामने: चोटिल महिला खिलाड़ी को कहा- खर्चा उठाएंगे, यौन संबंध बनाने होंगे; नाबालिग पहलवान को कमरे में बुला की कोशिश

Panipat2 hours ago

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Both the FIRs lodged against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, former president of Wrestling Federation of India, have now come to the fore. According to media reports, Brij Bhushan and Secretary Vinod Tomar are the main accused. Brij Bhushan allegedly molested adult wrestlers several times. Touched them very rudely. Even took off his T-shirt on the pretext of checking his breath.

He put his hand on his stomach. When the expenses of the injured female player were raised by the association, they demanded to have a physical relationship. When the player refused, he was discriminated against in the trial. On the other hand, according to the second FIR, Brij Bhushan called the teenage wrestler to his room on the pretext. Where he tried to exploit her. But, somehow she escaped from there.

Now read the main parts of both the FIRs

FIR 1… This is the case registered on the complaint of adult wrestlers
The first FIR has been registered under sections 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 354A (sexual harassment), 354D (stalking) and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code. Brij Bhushan and WFI secretary Vinod Tomar have been named in the FIR. One of the complainants in the FIR states that “all the women athletes used to walk in groups whenever they came out of their respective rooms, to avoid meeting the accused alone”. Another wrestler has alleged that Brij Bhushan touched her at the dinner table in a hotel restaurant during an international championship.

She was deeply shocked by these antics of Brijbhushan. She could neither sleep properly nor eat properly for the next few days. He was allegedly touched inappropriately again at the federation office in Delhi during a league in India, and again during two international competitions over the course of two years. The complainant claims that during a meeting at the PMO, she “talked about the repeated sexual, emotional, physical, physical trauma that she and other female wrestlers were subjected to by Brij Bhushan.

Demand to have physical relationship on the pretext of treatment
The complainants say they were first sexually assaulted by Brij Bhushan at an international championship, when he allegedly took off her T-shirt and slipped his hand below her stomach on the pretext of testing her breath. He claims that he got injured during that championship and after coming to India, he was called to the Federation office. Brij Bhushan allegedly told her that the federation was ready to bear the cost of her treatment provided she succumbed to his sexual advances.

The investigation committee repeatedly closed the cameras
She says she also appeared before the panel set up to probe the sexual harassment allegations against the WFI chief and appeared on camera in front of the committee members. However, she alleged that the recording device was repeatedly switched off, leading her to believe that her statement may have been tampered with.

The complainant said that the accused be punished for sexually harassing me and many other women wrestlers whom he exploits because of his power and position. It is necessary to deter the accused from committing further acts of sexual harassment and exploitation. He has demanded in the complaint to register a case against the accused and put them behind bars.

Forcible attempt in the General Union office
It is alleged that Brij Bhushan touched her inappropriately during an international championship and “tried to make physical contact forcibly” with her when she went to the federation office in New Delhi after the championship. “The incident of sexual harassment and stalking has traumatized her and is still weighing on her mind. She was mentally disturbed because of these acts done by the accused. Due to which it was difficult for him to concentrate on various competitions and perform to the best of his ability.

Reported harassment to PMO
The complainants say that they also mentioned to the PMO several times about incidents of sexual harassment and intimidation at various places from 2012 to 2022 in different parts of the country and abroad. Another wrestler alleged that Brij Bhushan touched her at the dinner table in a hotel restaurant during an international championship.

Because of these antics of Brijbhushan, she could neither sleep properly nor eat properly for the next few days. He was allegedly touched inappropriately again at the federation office in Delhi during a league in India and again during two international competitions over the course of two years.

The second complaint has been given to the police by the father of the minor player. A case under the Poxo Act has been registered on the complaint of the father. In which the father has told the incident of the year 2016. As per the complaint, the present age of the player is 17 years. The complaint states that when the wrestler won a gold medal in a championship in India, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh forcefully pulled her towards him on the pretext of taking photographs and held her by his arms so tightly that she could not move or restrain herself. could not free.

He then allegedly “pushed her more towards him and pressed her shoulder harder and then deliberately slipped his hand under her shoulder and stroked her breasts”. According to the FIR, Brij Bhushan then told her, ‘Tu mere ko support kar, main tujhe support karunga, mere saath mein rehna’. At that time the player retaliated by saying, ‘Sir, I have come here on my own strength, I will go further by working hard.’ It is alleged that Brijbhushan then allegedly warned her that the trials for the Asian Championships would be held soon and since she was not cooperating with him, she would face the consequences in the trials.

Tried to call the room, the teenager escaped
The complainant claims that Brij Bhushan called the victim, a minor player, to his room and “tried to have forceful physical contact with her”. She claims that while she managed to leave the room, she was heavily discriminated against during the trials for the Asian Championships, as she “resisted the sexual harassment of the accused and was unwilling to accede to his demands”.

The complainant said that my daughter is a young wrestler of 17 years and is at the beginning of her career. She could not muster the courage to confront a sexual predator like the accused and thus could not complain or take up these issues with the Federation. Because the Federation is completely under the control of the accused and works according to his orders.

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