बागेश्वर धाम के धीरेंद्र शास्त्री विवादों में: सिखों को सनातन धर्म की सेना बताया; SGPC बोली- ये गलत, पहले सिख धर्म को जानें

Amritsarjust moments ago

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Singer Nikku reached the abode of Baba Bageshwar.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Singer Nikku reached the abode of Baba Bageshwar.

Pandit Dhirendra Shastri of Baba Bageshwar Dham located in Madhya Pradesh is embroiled in a new controversy. He praised the Sikhs and called them the army of Sanatan Dharma. He said this in front of Punjabi singer Indrajit Nikku. Those who were standing there in the assembly at that time.

Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has now expressed strong opposition to this. The General Secretary of SGPC said that the Sikh community was created to fight oppression. It is wrong to say that Sikhs are the army of Sanatan Dharma. He has asked Shastri to first learn about Sikhism.

Read first.. What did Pandit Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham say

Sardars are the army of Sanatan Dharma: Dhirendra Shastri said- “When Kashmiri Pandits were being killed and chased away, it was the ninth Guru Shri Tegh Bahadur Sahib who raised the sword to protect those Kashmiri Pandits.” Sardar is the army of our Sanatan Dharma. The Panj Pyare (five beloved) are there only for the protection of Sanatan Dharma. Turban, saber.. all these are for the protection of Sanatan Dharma. Whoever says wrong, there is filth in their mind, there is a need for purification of their intellect. Sardar is the army of Sanatan Dharma. Army is needed to protect Sanatan Dharma, for that Sardars have been created.

We sing the story of the Gurus: Dhirendra Shastri further said – “We sing the story of the ninth Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the tenth Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. These are the ideals of our Sanatan Dharma. It is the good fortune of our Sanatan who sacrificed their children for the protection of Kashmiri Pandits but raised the sword in hand to protect the Sanatanis.

SGPC’s reply to Dhirendra Shastri

Know about the first five beloveds: SGPC General Secretary Gurcharan Grewal said that Baba Bageshwar should first know Sikhism. Yes, it is true that our Ninth Guru had sacrificed for the protection of Kashmiri Pandits, but before making these statements, one should know about the five beloved ones.

Not only Hindus, Sikhs will stand against any oppression: The Sikh community was started to fight against all kinds of oppression. It does not mean that this community is only for Hindus. Sikhs will stand against whoever is oppressed. When the British committed atrocities, before that the Mughal government committed crimes, then Sikhs stood against that too.

SGPC raged on Punjabi singer as well
SGPC also expressed displeasure over Punjabi singer Indrajit Nikku. General Secretary Grewal said that he did not want to say anything by targeting any religion but made it clear that Nikku is not a representative of Sikhism. All religions cannot be the same. In Sikhism, it has been said to respect all religions. Here Nikku told Shastri during this time that he thanks him on behalf of the entire Sikh community.

Punjabi singer Indrajit Nikku bowing his head in front of Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham.

Punjabi singer Indrajit Nikku bowing his head in front of Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham.

Nikku said- respect of all religions in Bageshwar Dham
Inderjit Nikku wrote about this on his social media account – “I have always respected my Sikh religion and will continue to do so.” For me Sri Guru Granth Sahib and my Guru Sahib are above all. However, speaking in front of Baba, Nikku said that those who oppose me, I want to tell them that all religions are respected in Bageshwar Dham.

There was a dispute about Nikku going to Baba before
Punjabi singer Nikku had gone to Bageshwar Dham a few months ago. There Nikku said that his work is not going on. When its video surfaced, his opposition started in Sikhism. The Sikhs argued that according to our religion, Sardar cannot bow his head before any physical Guru. Although some Sikh artistes supported Nikku and their shows started running. After this Nikku now went to Bageshwar Dham again. In which he spoke to Dhirendra Shastri on the same issue of protest in Punjab.

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