बर्फ में सैलानियों की मस्ती का VIDEO: स्नोफॉल के बाद टूरिस्टों से गुलजार हिमाचल की बर्फीली वादियां, मनाली-सोलंगवैली में उमड़े पर्यटक

Manali2 minutes ago

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The snowy plains of Himachal have become buzzing with tourists. Tourists were seen in Manali and Solangvalley after 2 days of snowfall. While the tourists are playing in the snow, they are also showing a lot of interest in snow adventure. The tourism business has picked up in Manali.

Be it people associated with hotel business or tourist guides or street vendors, snow has given everyone a source of income in the form of tourists. Snowflakes were falling from the sky for 2 days, which the tourists were watching from the hotel room itself, but as the sun shone, the tourists turned to Solang Valley.

Tourists came out of hotels as soon as the sun came out in Manali and Solangvalley.

Tourists came out of hotels as soon as the sun came out in Manali and Solangvalley.

Tourist interest in adventure games and snow scooters
Solang Valley receives heavy snowfall, due to which skiing takes place on the slopes of Solang Valley. Along with this, tourists also get a chance to ride snow scooters in Solang Valley. Apart from this, the open ground of Solang Valley, on which many means of entertainment are available for new couples and small children.

Tourists enjoying snow adventure in Solangvalley

Tourists enjoying snow adventure in Solangvalley

People associated with hotel business are minting silver
The people associated with the hotel business of Manali are happy with the good income of packed hotels, guest houses, home stays from the tourists after the snowfall. The closure of the road till Atal Tunnel has also proved to be icing on the cake for the businessmen of Manali. Those tourists who used to stay only for one night, their booking has been done for 3 to 4 days.

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