बदले के लिए नाबालिग का रेप और मर्डर: 15 साल के लड़के का लड़की के पिता से झगड़ा हुआ था, महाराष्ट्र की घटना

  • Hindi news
  • National
  • A minor boy raped a 9-year-old girl; seeking revenge on her father for the attack; maharashtra news

Mumbai5 minutes ago

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A shocking case of murder has come to light from Kalyan in Maharashtra. Here a 15-year-old boy raped and killed a 9-year-old girl. It is being told that the boy did this to take revenge from the girl’s father. A few days back, the accused had a fight with the girl’s father.

Identification of the accused from CCTV footage
The incident is of a residential society adjacent to Kalyan railway station. The matter came to light after the girl’s body was found on Thursday. Police reached the spot after getting information about the incident and have started investigation. The police identified the boy after scanning the CCTV footage. Asked the local people about the whereabouts of the boy. After that, she was taken into custody and taken to Mahatma Phule police station.

Had a fight with the girl’s father
During interrogation, the boy revealed that he had a fight with the girl’s father two days back and allegedly assaulted him. To avenge the assault, the boy first kidnapped the girl, then raped and then slit the girl’s throat with a blade. A case has been registered against the accused under the POCSO Act. According to the police, the murderer is also a minor, so he has been sent to the observation home.

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