फेक न्यूज एक्सपोज: ओमिक्रॉन XBB अब तक का सबसे घातक वैरिएंट, 5 गुना ज्यादा हो रहीं मौतें? जानिए इस वायरल मैसेज का सच

16 hours ago

What is going viral: Corona cases are continuously increasing in China. The condition is so bad that wherever you look, only dead bodies are visible. The government in India has also come into alert mode regarding this. A post is going viral on social media regarding the increasing cases of Corona.

It is being claimed in the post that Omicron XBB, the new variant of Kovid, is responsible for the deteriorating situation from Corona. People affected by this variant do not have cough or fever. Symptoms of this variant are joint pain, headache, neck pain, upper back pain, pneumonia, loss of appetite. This variant is the deadliest variant of Corona. At the same time, the deaths due to this variant are 5 times more.

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We also received this message on Bhaskar helpline for verification.

And what is the truth?

  • At the beginning of the investigation, we started looking for the reason behind the devastation caused by Corona in China. On searching, we found many related to this case. media reports Got it.
  • According to media reports, the variant BF.7 of Kovid-19 Omicron is behind the rapidly increasing cases of corona in China. WHO officials say that this is the fastest spreading variant ever.
  • There are several sub-variants of the COVID-19 Omicron, such as BA.1, BA.2, BA.5, etc. One such latest sub-variant of Omicron is BA. which is called BF.7 in short. According to experts, due to this mutation, this variant is not affected by antibodies.
  • According to experts, the symptoms of Omicron’s variant BF.7 are fever, fatigue, sore throat, cough, runny nose, chest pain, hearing loss, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • It is clear from this that the cause of devastation caused by Corona in China is not XBB, but Omicron’s variant BF.7.
  • During investigation, we also found a post related to Omicron XXB on the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Health.

  • In this post, the message going viral in the name of Omicron XBB has been termed as fake by the Ministry of Health. It is written in this post – The message related to Omicron XBB is being shared in some WhatsApp groups. This message is completely fake and misleading.
  • It is clear that the post going viral on social media is fake.

The Chinese variant of Corona came to India in September: 2 in Gujarat, one case found in Odisha, all three fine; Random sampling started at airports+

The increasing cases of corona in China are again starting to scare. In view of this, the central government is on alert. Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya held a meeting with senior officials and experts on Wednesday on the COVID-19 situation in the country.

Mandaviya told that the dangerous Chinese variant of Corona, BF-7 had come to India in the month of September itself. Its symptoms were found in an NRI woman in Vadodara. She had come to Vadodara from America. Two other people who came in his contact were also investigated. Although his report came negative. Later the woman was cured. Apart from this, two other cases of BF-7 were also found in Ahmedabad and Odisha. Read full news…

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