नीति आयोग ने गोमूत्र-गोबर पर जारी की रिपोर्ट: कहा- खेती के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाए, कैमिकल खाद इंसानी सेहत के लिए खतरनाक

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • NITI Aayog Task Force Report: Organic Farming and Use of Cow Dung Manure

New Delhi12 minutes ago

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The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) on ​​Friday said that cow dung and cow urine-based formulations should be used for farming. Along with this, help should be given to cow shelters through financial assistance. This report has been issued by Commission member Ramesh Chand. He said that the unique strength of South Asian agriculture is the merge of livestock with crops. In the last 50 years, the serious effects of the use of inorganic fertilizers and livestock manure have come to the fore. This is having a dangerous effect on soil, food quality, environment and human health.

It was also said in the report that along with the production and promotion of organic and bio fertilizers, the economic power of gaushalas should also be improved.

Suggested for Waste to Wealth initiative
The Task Force members and representatives of Gaushalas shared their experiences and views about the role of Gaushalas in promoting sustainable farming and Waste to Wealth initiative. These were suggestions for improving the financial and economic system of Gaushalas.

Government promoting organic and natural farming
In view of this, the government is promoting sustainable and sustainable agriculture such as organic farming and natural farming. Gaushalas are also working as resource centers for the supply of bio and organic inputs, which can become important in promoting natural and sustainable farming.

Task force to help stray cattle
NITI Aayog constituted the team to make Gaushalas financially strong, solve the problem of stray cattle and suggest the use of cow dung and cow urine in agro-energy sectors

Cow waste example of circular economy
Dr. Nilam Patel said that cattle are an important part of traditional agriculture in India. Gaushalas can help a lot in promoting natural farming and organic farming. Agro-inputs cow dung and cow urine developed from cattle wastes can reduce and replace agricultural chemicals.

He said that the use of cattle waste is an example of circular economy, which also gave rise to the idea of ​​income.

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