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Sabarkantha8 hours ago

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Mohan Bhagwat addressed a program in Banaskantha, Gujarat on Sunday.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Mohan Bhagwat addressed a program in Banaskantha, Gujarat on Sunday.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat reached Banaskantha in Gujarat on Sunday. He attended the program of Shri Bhagwan Yagyivalkya Ved Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya in Mudeti village. The Sangh chief talked about India’s policies with big countries of the world including America, Russia, China.

The Sangh chief said – What do big countries do when they are strong, they run a stick. Earlier Russia used to run, America toppled it. He started wielding his stick. Now it has come to China. It looks like it will overtake America. This is the reason why America and Russia are fighting by making Ukraine a pawn.

They are asking us to support us. But, we made it clear that both of you are our friends and we are also friends of the one who is dying between you two. So stop fighting first. Today’s India has the ability to speak like this to the world.

A country that believes in religion does not take advantage of anyone.
Bhagwat further said- Today whenever there is a war between any countries, India says, this is not the time to fight, stop fighting. India stands up to say this, which it did not have the courage to say before. Sri Lanka used to befriend China, used to befriend Pakistan. He used to keep us away. But who came forward to help him when he was in danger. Only one country came in front of India.

Because the country of those who believe in religion will never take advantage of anyone in the world. Because, this is the country of the followers of religion. And the country that believes in religion, does not take advantage of anyone. He doesn’t take from anyone. Only deals with love.

India is not a beneficiary, India is a country that gives its benefits to others. It is our innate tendency to donate, to feed others before feeding ourselves. This is not taught to us by science, but by religion. Because the method of science is different. He just goes through experiments.

Science is arrogant, it wants to see even God in a test tube
Science says that even God should be visible in a test tube, only then will we believe that God is real. Science looks at the smallest molecule of an atom. But what is before the atom, he cannot see. So how can you imagine that God will come in a test tube. That’s why science is egoistic. How did the Sun originate? No laboratory can be made in the world to find out this. All it takes is contemplation and thought to find out.

About the Brahman, about the planets, our sages and sages searched for vowels through contemplation and thought and came to know that the universe was created from vowels only. Science also says about this Big-Bang theory, which our sages had already said before their enlightenment. Vedas are not just words. Each word has a tone. Our sages did penance for public welfare. Didn’t do it for his own selfishness.

The upliftment of Sanatana Dharma is God’s will
It is God’s wish that Sanatan Dharma should rise. And Sanatan Dharma is the Hindu nation. Hindu nation is the eternal religion. That’s why it is very important for the upliftment of Hindu nation for Sanatan Dharma. And rising. We are watching this. Sanatan Dharma has been going on, no one knows its origin, it will continue forever. But what is religion? He needs to know. And without knowing the Vedas, you will never be able to know about religion.

Because the root of all religions are in the Vedas. What is religion really, then religion is a combination of nature and duty. We have our own nature. Everything has its own nature. There is nothing without nature. Soil, fire, air all have their own nature.

In the eyes of science, humans are also biological animals.
Science tells everything separately. That’s why it also confuses us. Today we have become addicted to science. Going forward, man will become a slave of Artificial Intelligence. The human race will not exist. Science has made an inert vision and this inert vision also considers human beings as biological animals.

rule of household life
Describing the household life, Bhagwat said- Whenever you cook food at home, give it to ants, birds, dogs and cows before eating it yourself. After this, see that no one is hungry around. If he is hungry, bring him to your home and get him fed. After that eat yourself. This is the rule of household life.

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