दिल्ली की 2 मस्जिदों को नोटिस पर वक्फ की सफाई: मस्जिदें वक्फ की संपत्ति, ब्रिटिशों ने सौंपी थीं, नोटिस भेजना आश्चर्यजनक

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Railway said remove encroachment in 15 days, Waqf Board expressed displeasure

New Delhi8 hours ago

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Mosque of Bengali Market Area

Mosque of Bengali Market Area

A notice was sent by the Railways to two mosques in Delhi. Amidst the controversy over this, the Railways said that it is a regular process to remove any type of building or structure built on our land.

The railways has issued notices to a mosque in the city’s Bengali market area and a mosque near Pragati Maidan metro station, asking them to remove encroachments within 15 days. A Northern Railway spokesperson said that the encroached structure (building) has been built on the land of the main route of Delhi and Ghaziabad.

Waqf said sending notice was surprising

Mahfuz Mohammad, a senior Waqf Board official, has claimed that both the mosques, Takia Babar Shah Mosque near Tilak Bridge and the Bengali Market mosque, are the property of the Waqf Board. The Waqf termed the sending of the notice by the Railways as surprising. He said that the mosques are the property of the Waqf Board. Both the mosques were handed over to the Delhi Waqf Board by the British. These mosques are among the 123 properties of the Delhi Waqf Board that the central government wants to acquire. The Waqf Board has already challenged it in the High Court.

Notice sent by Railways to Waqf Board.

Notice sent by Railways to Waqf Board.

According to railway officials, the process of removing encroachments starts with the issuance of the notice. 15 days time is given by the Railways to remove the encroachment.

Railways takes the task of encroachment removal seriously

Northern Railway spokesperson Deepak Kumar said that the Railways takes the task of removing encroachments very seriously. The encroachment poses a threat to railway property, staff and passengers. Railways also ensure that railway land is used only for railway works.

illegal occupation of railway land

According to the notice issued by the Railways, the railway land has been illegally occupied, which is illegal. It has also been said that temples, mosques, religious places and unlicensed buildings and structures built illegally on railway land have been asked to be removed within 15 days, otherwise the Railway Board will take legal action. Any damage caused in the process of removal of encroachment will be your own responsibility. Railway Board will not be responsible for this.

Railways will set up a task force

Officials said that if the encroachments are not removed on their own, the Northern Railway will constitute a task force to remove them. RPF and local police will be included in the task force. Removal of encroachment is a normal process of Railways and it can happen any time. Officials said that encroachment on railway land is removed by the railways as per pre-determined plans.

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