दलितों के मुंह में गंदगी भरने वालों के घर तोड़े: शिवपुरी में लड़कियों से छेड़छाड़ के शक में पीटा, जूते-चप्पलों की माला पहनाई थी

Shivpuri8 hours ago

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After the accused in the direct urination incident, a bulldozer has been driven into the house of those who behaved inhumanely with Dalits in Shivpuri. The administration team reached his house at 9 am on Thursday and started the process of demolition. In the case, the police had registered a case against 7 people. There are two women among them. 6 accused are in police custody.

Let me tell you, on June 30, in Varkhadi village of Narwar police station area of ​​the district, the accused had beaten up two youths on the suspicion of molestation and theft of girls. Put a garland of shoes and slippers around his neck. He blackened his face and filled it with dirt and also put it on his clothes. After this a procession was taken out and handed over to the police.

Magrauni outpost in-charge Deepak Sharma said that on the complaint of the victim youths, a case has been registered against Ajmat Khan, Vakil Khan, Arif Khan, Shahid Khan, Islam Khan, Rahisha Bano and Saina Bano. All the accused except one accused Vakil Khan have been arrested. The search is on for advocate Khan.

Home Minister Narottam Mishra said – Police has been instructed to take action against NSA. Such acts will not be tolerated in the state. Had asked to run bulldozers on the houses of the accused.

On the suspicion of molestation and theft of girls, the villagers treated the Dalit youths inhumanely.  Police has arrested 6 accused.

On the suspicion of molestation and theft of girls, the villagers treated the Dalit youths inhumanely. Police has arrested 6 accused.

The villagers first thrashed both the youths.  After this, a procession was taken out by putting a garland of shoes and slippers around the neck.

The villagers first thrashed both the youths. After this, a procession was taken out by putting a garland of shoes and slippers around the neck.

The victim’s brother had complained to the SP

The victim’s brother had complained to the SP on July 3. There was a demand to demolish the houses of the accused and free the forest land. The victim’s brother told that the accused were encroaching on the forest land. Our path passes close to this land. The accused want to close this route. For this, these people create such conspiracies. In the past too, the accused have killed many animals by electrocuting them on the boundary of the land. Here, BJP State President VD Sharma gave a statement on this issue in Bhopal on Wednesday. After this, the workers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad reached Varkhadi village and met the victims.

Bulldozers were used on Thursday at the houses of the accused to fill the mouths of Dalits.  Forest Department, Revenue Department and Police took joint action.

Bulldozers were used on Thursday at the houses of the accused to fill the mouths of Dalits. Forest Department, Revenue Department and Police jointly took action.

Officer said – there was encroachment on forest land, the same was removed

Forest Department SDO Elvin Varman said that three people had encroached on about three hectares of forest land. A case has been registered against this on 19 September 2022. The Divisional Forest Officer had ordered the eviction. They were told to voluntarily remove the encroachment, but these people did not remove the encroachment. After this, forest department, revenue department and police took joint action and removed the encroachment.

Villagers said – they molest naughty girls

According to the information, both the youths used to make videos of the girls while molesting them. People also suspected him of stealing. A few days ago, both of them were secretly trying to make a video of a girl from the village. His act was captured in the CCTV camera installed in the village. The villagers were enraged after seeing the footage. On June 30 also, miscreants molested a girl. Caught the girl’s hand, due to which her bangle broke and pierced his hand. When the girl raised an alarm, the villagers caught both the miscreants.

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