तवांग झड़प के 6 हफ्ते बाद अरुणाचल गए आर्मी चीफ: LAC पर सुरक्षा और तैयारियों का जायजा लिया, जवानों की तारीफ की

New Delhi5 minutes ago

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Chief of Army Staff General Manoj Pande reached Arunachal Pradesh 43 days after the Tawang clash. Here he visited Indian posts adjacent to LAC. General Pandey also took stock of the preparations and security situation here. This place is close to Tawang, where there was a clash between the soldiers of India and China last year.

The COAS appreciated the alertness, duty and vigilance of the jawans. He said- I hope that you will continue your work with the same promptness and diligence.

On December 9 last year, Chinese troops tried to infiltrate Tawang. It was claimed in some reports that Chinese soldiers wanted to build their operational post here. But the Indian soldiers forced the Chinese to flee.

General Manoj praised the alertness, duty and vigilance of the soldiers.

General Manoj praised the alertness, duty and vigilance of the soldiers.

Appreciated the soldiers’ devotion to duty
The Army tweeted that General Manoj Pandey visited Headquarters Eastern Command Kolkata and was briefed about the operational preparedness and prevailing security situation. The COAS interacted with the officers and soldiers and commended them for their professionalism, devotion to duty.

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