जबलपुर में ISIS से जुड़े आतंकी मॉड्यूल का खुलासा: गिरफ्तार तीनों आरोपियों को 7 दिन की रिमांड; भोपाल एनआईए की कोर्ट में किया पेश

Jabalpur11 minutes ago

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After the action of NIA and MP ATS in Jabalpur, the three accused arrested were presented in the special court of NIA in Bhopal. From where the court has handed over the accused Syed Mamoor Ali, Mohammad Adil Khan and Mohammad Shahid on remand for 7 days. All three will be produced in the court again on June 3.

Explain that NIA has busted a terror module linked to ISIS in a joint operation with Madhya Pradesh ATS. Three people have been arrested from Jabalpur in this case. These arrests were made after overnight raids at 13 places in Jabalpur on May 26-27. A huge cache of sharp weapons, ammunition, incriminating documents and digital devices were also seized during the searches.

The three accused arrested from Jabalpur were produced in the NIA court of Bhopal.

The three accused arrested from Jabalpur were produced in the NIA court of Bhopal.

The accused were engaged in the propaganda of ISIS

In August 2022, the name of accused Mohammad Adil Khan came to the notice of the investigating agency. The NIA had registered the case on May 24 while probing Adil Khan’s alleged pro-ISIS activities. According to which Adil and his associates are accused of being involved in the propaganda of ISIS through social media platforms as well as grassroots ‘Dawa’ programs. The module used to hold meetings in local mosques and homes and hatch plans and conspiracies to spread terror in the country.

Investigation revealed that all the three accused were radicalized and wanted to carry out violent Jihad. They were engaged in raising funds, disseminating ISIS propaganda material, motivating youth, recruiting and procuring arms and ammunition for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities.

Syed Mamoor Ali had formed a group by the name of ‘Fisabilillah’ and was also running a WhatsApp group with the same name. He was trying to buy a pistol with his associates. For this, he was in contact with the illegal arms supplier.

NIA and MP-ATS raided 13 places in Jabalpur

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) raided 13 areas of Jabalpur on the intervening night of Friday-Saturday. The team has senior advocate of Madhya Pradesh High Court A.K. Usmani was also taken into custody. NIA late night raided his office including Ghantaghar and Omati houses. There is also information about the detention of two people from the Supreme Plaza Apartment in the Civil Line area. It is being told that the NIA team has detained about 13 people including Usmani.

,Notice to the lawyer representing Abu Salem

The NIA has summoned Advocate Naeem Khan, who lives in the Supreme Plaza Apartment in the Civil Line area, to Bhopal. He has appeared in the case of underworld don Abu Salem. The NIA team had reached Nayeem’s house at night itself. Naeem told Bhaskar that 25 to 30 officers searched the house. Also took information about his son. The NIA has given a notice to Naeem Khan asking him to take his son to the CID office in Bhopal.

Advocate Naeem Khan has been called to Bhopal after giving notice.

Advocate Naeem Khan has been called to Bhopal after giving notice.

The team had taken the mentally ill youth to the police station

The NIA had detained two brothers – Mohd Shahid and Mohd Bilal – from Omati area. Mother Afsana told, ‘did not leave the children for the whole night. I asked why are you taking it? Didn’t tell anything. Bilal is mentally ill for four years. Its medical report was also shown to the team, but did not release it. When said that if something happened to the child, it would be your responsibility, then left Bilal. Shahid was also released at 11 am on Saturday. Shahid works in the vegetable market.

From Omati, NIA had taken Afsana's two sons to Omati police station.  One son is mentally ill.  Both the sons of the woman were released.

From Omati, NIA had taken Afsana’s two sons to Omati police station. One son is mentally ill. Both the sons of the woman were released.

Two days ago raid was also done in Uttar Pradesh

The NIA also conducted raids at two places in Uttar Pradesh on May 25 in connection with the Bhopal terror funding case linked to Bangladesh’s banned organization Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen, Bangladesh (JMB). After this, this raid has been done in Jabalpur. Of the 10 arrested JMB members, 6 are Bangladeshi nationals. They entered India illegally and with the help of their associates got fake identity cards made.

The NIA says that all the 10 arrested accused were involved in influencing, radicalizing and motivating vulnerable Indian Muslim youth to wage jihad against the democratic set-up in the country. He had built a strong network in various states including Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tripura, West Bengal and Assam.

The team from Delhi and Bhopal reached Jabalpur at 11 pm.

The team from Delhi and Bhopal reached Jabalpur at 11 pm.

siege of house, area converted into cantonment

Lawyer A. The NIA team reached Usmani’s house in a Muslim-majority area around 11 pm on Friday night. The team included about a dozen IPS officers and 200 policemen from Delhi and Bhopal. The team went inside the house of the lawyer and conducted investigation and enquiry. As soon as the action started, barricades were put up at both ends of the road at Ghantaghar and Omati by laying siege to his house. The movement was completely stopped. Jabalpur SP Tusharkant Vidyarti also reached later.

When the National Investigation Agency raided the city at night, they closed the roads by placing barricades.

When the National Investigation Agency raided the city at night, they closed the roads by placing barricades.

Police sent people who came out of their homes

With the commencement of the operation, movement was completely stopped at Ghantaghar and Omati. Only police vehicles were visible on the road. The people around started coming out of the houses, who were stopped by the police force and instructed to stay inside.

Important inputs were received in statewide action

NIA had recently caught suspicious elements by raiding in Barwani, Seoni, Bhind and Khandwa etc. while taking statewide action. When he was intensively interrogated, many inputs related to foreign funding and weapons were found. Experts say that NIA took action on this basis.

A cache of weapons was found at the house of history-sheeter Abdul Razzaq

History sheeter Abdul Razzaq is in jail.

History sheeter Abdul Razzaq is in jail.

Two years ago, the Jabalpur police raided the house of gangster Abdul Razzaq. When the police searched the house, a 12 bore Pump Axon gun, 12 bore double barreled gun, 315 bore rifle, Sporting 315 bore, 0.22 bore Italian made rifle, 10 cartridges and 15 Baknuma knives were seized. Razzaq could not produce any license regarding rifles and guns. Seizing all the weapons, a case of Arms Act was registered against him at Omati police station.

A cache of weapons was found from the house of gangster Abdul Razzaq.

A cache of weapons was found from the house of gangster Abdul Razzaq.

::: The news is being updated continuously.

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