छत्तीसगढ़ में थर्ड जेंडर को भी पेंशन: हर माह मिलेंगे 350 रुपए; 3 हजार से ज्यादा की पहचान, समाज कल्याण विभाग ने मंगाए आवेदन

Raipur38 minutes ago

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For pension, people of third gender will have to apply online in the website of the department.  - Dainik Bhaskar

For pension, people of third gender will have to apply online in the website of the department.

For the first time in Chhattisgarh, pension will be given to the people of third gender. So far, this type of pension was being given by the Social Welfare Department only to the elderly, abandoned, disabled (dwarfs too), destitute and widows. But the state government has now decided to give pension to the third gender also.

For this, such people will have to apply online in the website of the department. The department has so far identified 3058 third genders. Of these, 1229 identity certificates have also been issued. Apart from this, the work of issuing certificates on 1829 is going on.

So far more than 600 third genders have applied
From March 1 till now, more than 600 third genders have also submitted applications for pension. After examining these applications by the department, a pension of Rs 350 per month will be given. This amount will be deposited online in their specified accounts.

Will not have to get certified from the department or officer
People of third gender have also been given exemption in applying. They will not have to get any department or officer certified that they belong to the third gender category. They only have to give the declaration. Means they have to prove themselves that they are from third gender. For this, it has been made mandatory for them to be photographed.

Maximum applications from Raipur district
The department has also started publicity of this scheme. This is the reason why hundreds of applications have been submitted within two weeks. It is being told that maximum number of applications have been submitted from Raipur district itself. The Chhattisgarh government has also made a provision of funds for the pension of third genders in this year’s budget as well.

Money will be transferred to account soon
Social Welfare Department Director Ramesh Kumar Sharma said, ‘The work of taking applications for pension to third genders has started. Soon the pension amount will be transferred to the account after completing the process.

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