चुनावी रणनीति: चुनावी रणनीति-पाँच बड़े राज्यों में इसी साल चुनाव, सभी पार्टियों की तैयारी अभी से शुरू

  • Hindi News
  • Opinion
  • Bhaskar Rai Elections in five big states this year, preparations of all parties

One hour ago

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To say that only Karnataka elections are round the corner and seven-eight months are left for Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Telangana elections, but more and bigger preparations are going on in these four states than Karnataka. These five states, including Karnataka, have 864 assembly seats. Means 110 Lok Sabha constituencies. The matter is big. However, there is a big difference between assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the country. Assembly elections are mostly fought on local issues while Lok Sabha elections are fought on national issues. By the way, the effect of elections has changed these days. Now issues related to people, common man are less and casteism, communalism dominate more in elections. Political parties are also seen preparing in this direction before the elections. In Madhya Pradesh, a party is engaged in wooing the tribal community associated with Tantya Bhil, while in Rajasthan, there is a competition to woo Jats, Brahmins, Meenas, Gurjars and Rajputs. Preparations are on full swing in Chhattisgarh too, but BJP has not done anything here for five years, it seems. Congress is ruling here and it seems likely to continue in the future as well. However, it does not take long for the wind to change in the election, so nothing can be said for sure from now. In Rajasthan, the Congress is fighting to retain power while the BJP is fighting to bring its own rule by counting the shortcomings of the Gehlot regime. On the other hand, it is difficult for any other party to survive in front of BRS in Telangana. The BJP is working hard to save its government in Karnataka. It seems that the 38 years old custom of changing power every five years will change this time. In fact, the BJP’s Panna Pramukh network is very strong in all the states. There is always a big contribution of these Panna Pramukhs behind his victory. Even in small towns with a population of 14-15 lakhs, there are about one lakh Panna Pramukhs. Their network is spread from house to house. These Panna Pramukhs reach not only from house to house, but also from person to person. No other party has such a network. First of all, the BJP had set up this network of Pannapramukhs in Gujarat. After this, this experiment was implemented in the whole country.

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