चढ़ूनी समेत 9 किसान नेताओं की रिहाई आज: बीती रात को सरकार के साथ समझौता, जम्मू-दिल्ली नेशनल हाईवे पर जाम खत्म

Kurukshetra8 minutes ago

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Nine leaders, including farmer leader Gurnam Chadhani, who were arrested for blocking the highway in Kurukshetra, Haryana, will be released today. Last night the government had assured to release these leaders. These 9 leaders include BKU state spokesperson Rakesh Bains, Jasbir Singh Mamumajra, Prince Waraich, Jarnail Singh, Jairam, Gulab Singh, Pankaj and Surjit Singh, including Chadhuni.

Last night, the government has accepted the demands of the farmers who blocked the Jammu-Delhi National Highway in Kurukshetra demanding release of MSP and farmers on sunflower. The government said that in view of the farmers’ demand to buy sunflower at Rs 6,400 per quintal, it will now be purchased at Rs 5,000 per quintal. The remaining Rs 1400 per quintal will be given by the government under the Bhavantar scheme.

Farmers celebrating after accepting the demands of the government.

Farmers celebrating after accepting the demands of the government.

After this, the farmers celebratoryly put Kheer langar on the highway in Kurukshetra. Then the jam was removed from the highway. Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait said- “We have struggled for a week and with everyone’s cooperation, our demands have been accepted by the government.”

Earlier, the United Kisan Morcha had announced a firm front by taking the movement in its hands. After which the government had to bow down before the farmers. There was a jam on the highway in Kurukshetra at 2 pm on Monday. Which will be removed tonight.

Government asked questions
Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar’s government issued an advertisement regarding the farmers’ jam and asked that the rate of sunflower is highest in Haryana, yet is it justified to stop the national highway?. The government said- “Haryana has sunflower crop in 38,414 acres. 8,528 farmers are given an interim relief amount of Rs 1000 per quintal under Bhavantar Yojana.

Till now an amount of 29.13 crores has been given. In Haryana, the market rate is Rs 4,900 and Rs 1,000 from the government, which means sunflower gets Rs 5,900 per quintal. In contrast, the rate is 4,077 in Karnataka, 4,000 in Punjab, 3,550 in Tamil Nadu, 3,975 in Maharashtra and 3,975 in Gujarat. The government has termed this as the truth of selling sunflower.

Controversy related to MSP of sunflower in 5 points

1. Blocked the highway when talks failed
The Haryana government had announced that it would buy sunflower under the Bhavantar scheme. In which the government will compensate for the loss incurred in the purchase at the market rate. But, farmers are demanding purchase on MSP. Talks were held with the government regarding this, but it failed. After this, on June 6, the farmers blocked the Jammu-Delhi National Highway.

2. Police lathicharged, 150 farmer leaders including Chadhuni in custody

As soon as the highway was jammed, on the same day the police brought the order of the High Court and asked to open the jam in 15 minutes. When the farmer did not agree, the police lathi-charged fiercely. 150 leaders including farmer leader Gurnam Chadhuni were arrested. Cases were registered against 700 farmers. The police got the highway opened.

3. Farmers organizations came in support, demonstration on tollhas
Farmers got angry on the arrest of Taos. On June 7, it was announced to block roads in entire Haryana. According to the announcement, the farmers blocked the road. performed at the toll plaza. Many farmers were taken into custody on this day also, but they were released in the evening. There was a clash between the farmers and the police in Rohtak.

4. Farmer leaders did not take bail, called mahapanchayat on 12
On the same day, nine farmer leaders including Gurnam Singh Chadhuni were presented by the police in the Kurukshetra District Court. Everyone in the court refused to take bail. After this all were sent to jail in judicial custody for 14 days. After this, a panchayat was held in Shahabad of Kurukshetra regarding the release of farmer leaders and MSP. In which farmer organizations took the decision of Mahapanchayat in Pipli on 12th June.

5. Negotiations failed twice in Mahapanchayat, highway jam announced
A farmers’ rally took place in Kurukshetra on Monday i.e. 12th June. Apart from Haryana, farmer leaders and Khap representatives of many states including Punjab, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand reached. Talks were held with the administration 2 times here but nothing came to an end. After which it was announced to jam the Jammu-Delhi National Highway at 2 pm.

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