गैंगस्टर रोहित, जिस पर प्रिंस हत्याकांड का आरोप: DU ग्रेजुएट, AK-47 से मर्डर की प्लानिंग, दिल्ली, UP व हरियाणा में गैंग चला रहा

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  • Story of Gangster Rohit Chowdhary Lawrence Bishnoi Prince Tewatia Murder Tihar Jail Delhi | who is gangster rohit chaudhary

Rewari41 minutes agoAuthor: Mukesh Kumar

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Tall in stature and smart looking gangster Rohit Chowdhary is in limelight after the gang war in Tihar Jail after the gangster Prince murder case. His gang has been accused of killing the prince. Rohit Chowdhary himself is lodged in Tihar Jail under MCOCA. He is the owner of immense wealth.

The fear of his name in South and South East Delhi has been such that at one time even when he used to commit the biggest crime, people did not even complain against him to the police. There are many such sharp shooters in his gang who do not hold back in carrying out the biggest crime as soon as they get a signal.

vying for supremacy
Rohit Chaudhary lured many youths of his area into the gang by luring them with money and shopping for expensive clothes and other things, who later started extortion, property grabbing, extortion and showering bullets for him.

Seeing his growing stature in South Delhi, gangster Prince Tewatia of the same area became his enemy. Small incidents started happening between these two gangs and later big incidents. A time also came when there was a competition between the two gangsters to establish supremacy in South Delhi.

DU graduate, first crime in 2011
Rohit Chaudhary, a resident of South Delhi, is a graduate from DU. Turning away from further studies, in the desire to become rich soon, he first put his hand in the business of betting and gambling. After this, the history-sheeters of the area started harassing him for recovery, so he himself became a criminal.

He first stepped into the world of crime in 2011. From here he did not look back and did not miss to target whoever became his enemy. After committing many big crimes, he started demanding extortion from the traders of the area itself.

Not only this, by forming a gang, they started occupying the lands. Within a few years, he acquired immense wealth. Seeing the growing stature of Rohit Chaudhary, the Delhi Police also started cracking down on him.

4 lakh reward, caught after encounter
Apart from Delhi, Rohit Chaudhary had started spreading his feet in UP and Haryana as well. Cases were registered against him in Hapur in UP and Faridabad in Haryana. UP and Delhi police put a reward of Rs 4 lakh on him after his increasing terror and getting away from the grip of the police. Here, Delhi Police slapped MCOCA on him in 2020.

In October 2021, Rohit Chaudhary was trapped in Delhi along with his most important henchman Rahul alias Titu. After finding his location near Pragati Maidan, the police laid siege and arrested both the miscreants after the encounter. Titu too had a reward of 2.25 lakh rupees in both the states at that time. Titu is the only person who knew every secret of Rohit Chaudhary. After the arrest of both, the police heaved some relief.

Two days ago, gangster Prince Tewatia was stabbed to death in Tihar Jail.

Two days ago, gangster Prince Tewatia was stabbed to death in Tihar Jail.

Plan to kill Deputy Superintendent and DCP
The shooters involved in Rohit Chaudhary and his gang have been very dangerous. At one time his gang had taken contract to kill a DCP of Delhi Police itself. However, it was revealed when his shooters were caught in time.

Not only this, to avenge the death of gang member Ankit Gurjar in Tihar Jail, Rohit Chaudhary’s special henchman Satendra alias Satte had planned to kill Rohini Jail Deputy Superintendent Narendra Meena with AK-47. An audio of this also went viral, in which the miscreant Satta was talking to another miscreant about providing AK-47. However, before committing the crime, Satta was also caught by the Delhi Police Crime Branch.

Prince’s murder under the plan
Gangster Rohit Chaudhary has about 14 cases registered including murder, robbery, attempt to murder, extortion, extortion. He had a long-standing enmity with gangster Prince Tewatia of South Delhi, his area. Both were lodged in Tihar Jail. After Prince joined the Lawrence syndicate, he learned that he could get him killed through Lawrence’s henchmen.

After this, Rohit made a plan to kill him and killed Prince inside the jail two days ago through Attar ur Rehman, who had joined his gang a few months back. The plan to kill the Prince was being made inside the jail for a few days. Before the murder, the Rohit gang had beaten up one of Prince’s accomplices.

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