गुजरात में चाइनीज मांझे से अब तक 6 मौतें: टहलने निकले युवक का गला कटा, कल 2 बच्चों की गई थी जान

Kalol (Gujarat)7 hours ago

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The entire jugular vein of Ashwin was cut, due to which he died on the spot.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The entire jugular vein of Ashwin was cut, due to which he died on the spot.

The cycle of accidents due to kite flying on Makar Sankranti continues in Gujarat. On Sunday, a young man who went for a walk in Kalol city died on the road after his throat was slit. This year 6 people have died due to kite string in the state. These include 2 children as well. At the same time, the number of injured people has also reached 17.

Deceased Ashwin with 4-year-old son.

Deceased Ashwin with 4-year-old son.

4 year old son does not know, father will not return now
According to the information, 36-year-old Ashwin Gadhvi, living in Chhatral area of ​​Kalol city, had left home asking for a walk. He had just reached the Kalol Highway when suddenly a kite string wrapped around his neck. Ashwin fell on the road in a pool of blood. The local people rushed him to the hospital, but he had already died before that. Ashwin is survived by wife, four-year-old son and sister. The responsibility of the family was on his shoulders.

A 3-year-old girl had died in Visnagar on Saturday after her throat was slit.

A 3-year-old girl had died in Visnagar on Saturday after her throat was slit.

2 children died yesterday
On Saturday, two children died in Visnagar and Rajkot after coming under the grip of Chinese Manjha. The jugular vein of a 3-year-old girl was cut while playing outside the house in Visnagar. He was taken to the civil hospital in a blood-soaked condition, but his life could not be saved. A similar incident happened in Rajkot city as well. Here a 7-year-old child’s throat was cut while flying a kite. The child died shortly afterwards in the hospital.

In Nadiad, on Thursday afternoon, a young man died after his jugular vein was cut.

In Nadiad, on Thursday afternoon, a young man died after his jugular vein was cut.

youth died in nadiad
Last Thursday, a young man’s throat was slit in Nadiad. The young man was taken to the hospital by bike itself. But due to cut jugular vein, his life could not be saved. Similarly, one death each has taken place in Surat and Vadodara.

The High Court has reprimanded the state government
Chinese Manjha has cut the thread of life of many people. In such a situation, public interest litigations have been filed in the Gujarat High Court. Despite the ban on deadly Chinese cords, the sale continues. Therefore, the High Court reprimanded the Gujarat government for not taking strict action against the sale of banned cords.

Expressing displeasure over the affidavit presented during the hearing last Friday, the High Court said that the affidavit of the state government is not reliable. Also, as this affidavit is not there as ordered, the Home Secretary has been ordered to file a new affidavit.

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