केरल CM बोले- ‘द केरल स्टोरी’ फिल्म पर बैन लगे: विजयन का दावा- 32 हजार लड़कियों के धर्म परिवर्तन की बात गलत

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  • Kerala story controversy; Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan Sangh Parivar Campaign Remarks

ThiruvananthapuramA minute ago

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The ruling CPI (M) in Kerala and the opposition Congress are demanding a ban on the film ‘The Kerala Story’. Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan has called the film a product of the lies factory of the Sangh Parivar (RSS). He said that it was created with the aim of spreading hatred against the state.

32 thousand girls claim to be converted in the film
In the trailer of the film ‘The Kerala Story’, it has been claimed that 32,000 girls from Kerala converted to Islam and joined the terrorist organization ISIS. The film depicts the story of 4 girls who were brainwashed under a conspiracy. Later he was converted and sent to ISIS.

Actress Adah Sharma has played the lead role in the film. It is directed by Sudipto Sen and produced by Vipul Amritlal Shah. The film will be released in theaters on 5 May.

Actress Adah Sharma has played the lead role in the film.  It will be released in theaters on 5 May.

Actress Adah Sharma has played the lead role in the film. It will be released in theaters on 5 May.

Vijayan said – 32 thousand women joining ISIS is the biggest lie
Kerala Chief Minister Vijayan said that the Sangh Parivar is trying to do politics of division through films and stories. He is spreading lies without any facts and evidence. The biggest lie is the conversion of 32,000 women to ISIS. The Sangh Parivar wants to spread the poison of communalism by vitiating the atmosphere of religious harmony in Kerala.

The trailer claims that the film is based on true stories.

The trailer claims that the film is based on true stories.

Freedom of expression is not a license to spread lies
Vijayan said that it is not right to take sides of those who want to create discrimination in the country through cinema. Freedom of expression is not a license to spread falsehoods and people. People should beware of such false propaganda. We will take legal action against people doing anti-social activities.

It is shown in the trailer that girls are converted to their religion by brainwashing.

It is shown in the trailer that girls are converted to their religion by brainwashing.

Congress and Indian Union Muslim League also protested
Congress, CPI(M) youth wing DYFI and Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) youth wing have demanded a ban on the screening of the film. Leader of Opposition in Kerala VD Satheesan has termed it as Sangh Parivar’s agenda to divide the society.

DYFI, the youth wing of the CPI(M), has said that despite the Home Ministry’s denial, the film seeks to justify the agenda of Love Jihad. The youth wing of IUML has said that the film seeks to spread hatred between people of different religions.

It is shown in the trailer that women are tortured after going to ISIS.

It is shown in the trailer that women are tortured after going to ISIS.

Christian group supported the film
Christian group of Kerala Christian Association and Alliance for Social Action (CASA) has supported the film. He has said that this film tells the truth of love jihad, which has ruined many families in Kerala.

Also read this news related to the film ‘The Kerala Story’…

Congress leader VD Satheesan said- wrong facts in the Kerala story, the agenda of the Sangh is to sow seeds of hatred in the state

Leader of the Opposition in the Kerala Legislative Assembly VD Satheesan has said that nothing like this had happened in the state. The facts shown in the film are wrong. An attempt is being made to malign the image of the state. Read the full news here…

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