केरल में केंद्रीय मंत्री वी मुरलीधरन के घर पत्थरबाजी: पत्थर लगने से खिड़की और कार का शीशा टूटा, मौके से खून के धब्बे मिले

Thiruvananthapuram19 minutes ago

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It is not yet known who the attackers were.  - Dainik Bhaskar

It is not yet known who the attackers were.

Stones were pelted at the residence of Union Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday. The window of his house and the glass of the car were broken in the stone pelting. After throwing stones, the accused fled from the spot. Police found blood stains at his house.

Although who were the attackers and why they did it, it is not yet known. Police said the Union minister was not present at the house at the time of the attack. The matter is being investigated and the accused will be arrested soon.

The window panes were broken by stone pelting.

The window panes were broken by stone pelting.

Glass found broken at 11 am
According to the police, Ballu, an employee of the minister’s office, said that at 11 pm on Thursday, the window glass was found broken. It doesn’t look like an attempt to break into a house to commit a burglary.

Kerala Police is probing the matter.

Kerala Police is probing the matter.

had a meeting with the Turkish ambassador
V Muraleedharan recently had a meeting with the Ambassador of Turkey to help the people affected by the earthquake.

Police is present on the spot along with the forensic team.

Police is present on the spot along with the forensic team.

Who is V Muraleedharan?

V Muraleedharan is currently the Union Minister. Earlier in April 2018, he was elected a member of the Rajya Sabha from Maharashtra. Nominated as Member, Standing Committee on External Affairs in June 2018. In June 2018 itself, he was also appointed as a member of the Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Railways. Subsequently, in December 2018, he was appointed as a member of the Committee on Rules.

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